𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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summer 1978,
i love sirius black!

Aimee insisted on visiting her father, during the summer. However, Sirius wasn't going to let her go alone, he didn't want her going back to her family home alone. As soon as the pair arrived outside of her home, she immediately clutched his arm, he held her hand tightly.

"You don't have to do this-

"I want to see my dad and tell him," he nodded, holding her hand tightly, he kissed her cheek.

She took a deep breath, as she opened the door, she glanced around her home, between the dust-filled halls and closed curtains. She feared that her parents had been home for weeks, she couldn't see any sign that anyone was home.

"Dad?" she said, dropping his hand, hurrying upstairs to her father's office, Sirius hurried closely behind her.

She looked through her father's office looking for anything note of where her dad might be. Sirius creased his brows, gripping his wand tightly as he quickly turned around. He lowered his wand once her saw Mr Burke, Aimee rushed to hug her father.

"What are you doing back here?"

"I wanted to see you," she cried

"I wished you had sent a letter starling, you shouldn't have come here-

"Aimee, I never expected you coming back," her mother spoke, "in trouble I see?"

"No, I'm not, I'm happy about this," she said, rubbing her bump.

"I take it your ambition for power is gone," she chuckled

"I crave power and fame, I'll do whatever it takes to get it, no matter who I hurt, that's what you expect me to say isn't it?"

"Yes, I expected great things from you-

"Well, let me let you in on a little secret mother, I'm broken, behind every mean comment rude glance, I'm terrified of being the villain, I want to be good, but how can when I have people like you in my life,"

"You watch your tongue with me," Elizabeth warned, Sirius held her Aimee arm holding her next to him

"Understanding me is hard, being your daughter is harder, you judge me by my choices, and all I can do is love the pain, I will never be a hero, but I'm done being your little villain if you can't accept that I love Sirius Black-

"There is no room love in your life!" she shouted

"I love Sirius Black, I LOVE SIRIUS BLACK," Aimee shouted back, "and he doesn't need to cast imperio on me, to make me do whatever he wants. I carry his child inside me the Black and Burke legacy will go on, just not how you want it to." Elizabeth lifted her wand to Aimee.

"Oscausi!" her father cast, sealing her mother's mouth shut, "you two, should go," he warned, Aimee hugged him, she held Sirius' hand, "and Congratulations,"

Sirius used the floo network to safely take them home, as they walked through their living room. He could see the relief on her face that she had confronted her mother. He sat her down on the sofa, she had a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am," she said, wiping her eyes, "I didn't think I'd be able to stand in the same room as her, but I did,"

"Will your father be okay with her,"

"Yes, he's always been able to take care of himself," she grazed her hand over her stomach, just as Sirius was about to sit down, there was a knock at the door.

Sirius kissed her forehead before leaving to answer the door, he smiled when Euphemia and Fleamont stood in their doorway. He invited them in, Aimee smiled as they entered the living room, she sat up, adjusting the pillow comfortably for her.

"I've brought you a few things, that we kept from when James was a baby," she said, rummaging through the bag, "you know few blankets, a few teddy bears, bottles, and much more,"

"Thank you, Mia, that's really sweet of you," Aimee said, James' mother sat with her on the sofa.

"Are you excited?" she asked

"I'm excited for it to be over," she said, chuckling to herself.

"We'll be around often, this is like our first grandchild," Fleamont said, she smiled at him,

"Actually, Monty while you're here would you mind helping me build a couple of things," Sirius asked, he nodded gesturing for him to go upstairs to the baby room.

Lily and James arrived later that night after his mother and father left. Lily offered to cook them a meal that her grandmother always liked to cook. They had been to visit Lily's sister and her soon to be husband, while Lily put on a smile, Aimee could see that something bad happened.

"Petunia, fiance Vernon, is a little boastful," James said

"How'd you mean?" Aimee questioned

"He'd brag about his wealth, and automatically assumes, I don't have any wealth of my own, so when I bragged about my own wealth, exactly like he did, apparently that's rude and inappropriate,"

"Who said that?" she asked


"She sounds like a bitch-

"Sirius!" Aimee warned "she's Lily's sister"

"She's still a bitch,"

"It's alright, Lily's parents like me, that's all I'm bothered about, I don't care what her sister thinks," James said, he glanced towards the kitchen, "she's a bit upset, Petunia doesn't want Lily at her wedding,"

"That's horrible, no wonder she's been so quiet," Aimee said

"When are you due?" James questioned, "I'm sure she'll cheer up once they're here,"

"7 weeks,"

"I'll be bringing Lily here often," he said, "not too often though I don't want her getting ideas,"

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