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first year,
new burke's in town

The holidays had gone by slowly between bickering from her parents, and letters to and from Alice. She couldn't wait to be back at Hogwarts, the strange thing about this journey was that her father insisted on taking Aimee to the platform himself. While she found it strange it was better than her mother going with her.

"You don't have to come through the barrier with me,"

"Of course I do, I'd like to meet your friends too," he told her, she smiled at him.

She felt a lump in her throat. 'What if he didn't approve of her choice in friends?' she thought as they walked through the barrier to the platform. Aimee looked around the students looking for any familiar faces.

"Aimee!" she turned around as the blonde girl wrapped her arms around her "Hi, how was your Christmas? Oh sorry, You must be Aimee's father," she said

"Yes, and you are?" he asked, holding his hand out to her

"Marlene McKinnon, nice to meet you," she said, shaking Mr Burke's hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss McKinnon," Marlene gestured for another girl to join her.

"Father, this is Alice," Aimee introduced her to her father, he smiled greeting her in the same friendly manner that he did with Marlene.

"Aren't you coming?" Alice asked, nodding her head towards the train.


"Actually, I need to speak with you first," he spoke, holding Aimee's arm to prevent her from hurrying away.

As the two girls left, she spotted Walburga with Sirius and Regulus, she appeared to be chewing Sirius' ear off. He rolled his eyes hoping to see someone for an excuse to leave. Mr Burke spoke, she turned to him wondering what he wanted her for, he pointed behind her.

She turned around, her face lit up when she saw three older boys, she gasped looking at her father. He gestured for her to go to them, she ran down the platform towards them, throwing her arm around the shortest one. One of the taller ones, kissed her cheek, hugging her too.

"Are you coming to Hogwarts?" she asked then

"Yes, we'll be late though if we don't leave now," one of them said.

"Aren't you getting on the train?" she questioned

"No, Dumbledore is going to sort us into our houses privately, so we don't draw too much attention,"

"Oh, well I hope you're in Slytherin so you'll be with me," they nodded, each giving her one last hug before leaving her. She boarded the train, finding Remus alone in a compartment, she sat opposite him.

"Hi, did you have a good Christmas?" she asked

"I did, how was yours?"

"Eventful for sure,"

"Eventful?" he questioned

"Yes, I was invited to Sirius' for a Christmas ball,"

"You spent Christmas with Sirius?" she creased her brows

"Yeah, he didn't tell you I was going?" he shook his head, "well, I suppose he wasn't talking to me at the end of term," she remembered

"Hi Rem, happy to be going back?" Sirius said, he noticed Aimee also sat the compartment "Hi Aimee," he smiled at her, Remus looked between them as did Peter, they sat down, Peter next to Remus and Sirius next to Aimee. The silence made everyone uncomfortable.

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