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third year,

While Aimee and Evan said they would remain friends, the past few weeks were proving to be more difficult than they first thought. From awkward silent dinners to uncomfortable seating positions in the common room. 

During their classes they got along fine as they had work to focus on, Quidditch was also fine, as they were so focused on throwing the Quaffle through the hoops that they hardly noticed each other. Aimee had found Sirius to be acting a little strange, he sat with her in more classes, he didn't tease her or try to distract her.

They just got along with their work, Remus had also begun talking to her again, he told her that he was dealing with some family stuff, and didn't want to bother her with it. She understood that family can be difficult and told him that as long as he was okay, she didn't need him to explain.

Aimee hadn't written to her father about the quidditch world cup, in case her mother found the letter, she thought it would be best to tell him when she got home. Sirius settled himself down in a seat next to her in their final class of the day.

She smiled at him while opening her textbook to the page they needed. The Divination Professor asked for someone to volunteer for him to do a reading for them. She wanted her grandmother to do a reading for her, though her grandmother had already recorded something about her in her seer's journal.

Which Aimee was most curious to know, her grandmother was most accurate when it came to her visions. Divination always fascinated her so much that she warned Sirius to be quiet while she listened. Towards the end of the lesson though he began talking.

"Could I hang out with you and Reg today?" He asked

"Sure, now be quiet,"

"How's he been-" she place her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet, she lifted her finger to her lips he nodded, as she let go of him.

He joined her after class, they made their way to Regulus' classroom, he was with his other friends, Avery, Mulciber and another boy, Barty Crouch, the four boys hung around with her cousin Amycus. They often caused a lot of trouble for students in other houses, constant teasing and belittling all because they weren't purebloods.

The pair made Aimee sick to her stomach, so much so she kept away from them, not wanting her to be known as the Carrow twins cousins. Regulus chose to hang out with Avery and Mulciber instead, more like he let Sirius be alone with her.

"So what do you want to do?" Sirius asked

"I don't know, you are you going to be yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"You act differently at Hogwarts, more when you're around Potter-

"Yeah, I guess I act a little different, I have an idea come on," he said, taking her hand

They ran through the halls, up to Gryffindor Tower he whispered the password to the fat ladies portrait, he snuck her up to his dorm room. Where James, Peter and Remus were sat on their beds, she approached Sirius' bed, sitting on the end.

"Will you read to me?" he asked, James and Peter tried to hold in their laughter.

"Sure, do you have a book?"

"No, but I know you do," she smiled he was right Aimee always had a book in her bag.

She pulled out the book that she was currently reading, she explained to Sirius that she was halfway through and wasn't about to start the whole story again. He didn't mind he'd get the plot of it eventually. James and Peter couldn't help but chuckle to themselves at the sight.

Aimee had her back rested on his headboard, Sirius laid between her legs with his head resting on her stomach as she read her book to him. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to refrain from acting differently because of James. Which caused her to bear a small smile on her face he was finally being himself around his friends.

"Wow, Padfoot and I thought you couldn't be any more besott- ow!" Peter hit James arm

"Padfoot?" she questioned

"It's a nickname,"

"But why Padfoot?" Sirius tried to think of a decent reason,

"Because the star Sirius is known as the dogstar," Remus said

"Yes, and dogs have a Padfoot," Sirius continued, she eyed them cautiously.

"Alright?" she saw the time on Remus' bedside clock, "I have to go, it was fun hanging out with you," she said leaving Gryffindor tower.

"She must be pretty boring if she thinks reading is fun," James said

"She's not boring, she is fun, sweet and kind, I've been taking things slow, building our friendship up again-

"Don't build it too much, or she might just see you as a friend," Remus told him

He rolled his eyes at them, James was looking at the map again, checking for Professor McGonagall, who he had been hiding from. He spotted Burke, on the edge of the map again, he showed Sirius, he had a smile on his face leaving their room.

Sirius morphed into Padfoot ran across the field, he slipped through the trees rolling on the ground again to give the look of a stray dog. He crept through the trees he spotted Regulus sitting with Aimee, he ran over to them, his brother jumped back, while she greeted the dog with open arms.

"Reg, this is snuffles, I told you about him,"

"Still can't believe you named it," Reg said sitting back down, "How was it was Sirius today?" Padfoot's ear pricked up,

"It was great, if he acted like himself more, I'd really like him,"

"Like a crush?" he smirked at her.

"I did have a crush on him, then he started acting differently pushing me away," Aimee told him "but I'll admit lately, he's been alright,"

"He might have a chance with you after all,"

"You'll have to wait and see Reg," she rested her head on his shoulder.

Aimee loved Regulus just as much as her own brothers, considering him to be the little brother she never had. He looked out for her and she looked out for him since he begin school they had been stuck together like glue. Sirius had heard a lot more than he thought at least he now knew how to get her back. 

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