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fourth year,
big brother duties

The Slytherin common room was more alive than she remembered, that some of the older Slytherin's were celebrating something. Aimee sat up in her room, trying to listen without having to leave the comforts of her bed, just as she was about to give up and get an early night's sleep, Daniel burst into her room.

"Come on, you're missing everything," he pulled her out of her bedroom into the common room,

The older students moved aside for them, she creased her brows, as she cautiously walked towards a wall that held many portraits of well accomplished Slytherin's some which included Salazar Slytherin himself, the Great Merlin, Abraxas Malfoy, Andromeda Black were just a few.

Aimee stood with Daniel beside Evan and Regulus, they both had big smiles on their faces. 'Did they know something I didn't?' she questioned. The newly elected prefect hushed the students, as he had prepared a speech.

"I know we Slytherin, are proud and strive to achieve greatness," many nodded agreeing with him, "with last year's students graduating, the Slytherin Wall of Fame has a new achievement one that we have most wanted to beat our old rival Gryffindor house in for years,"

"Gryffindorks," another student yelled, causing laughter from every direction.

"Anyways it's been over twenty years since a Slytherin has been named duelling champion, and it's a joint win, not one but two Slytherins were honoured as duelling champion-

"Just get on with it!" Amycus yelled,

"Theodore and Jacob Burke, are honoured as duelling champions, the first Slytherins to do so in twenty-three years, so we're celebrating, with a party everyone invited, even the first years,"

As the last word was muttered, the whole of the Slytherin common room transformed, the sofas and tables were pushed towards the walls, leaving the biggest dance floor for everyone. The prefect suggested going to the Great Hall for a quick bite to eat before the party.

"Aren't you boys coming?" she asked as Evan and Regulus stayed stood in the common room.

"Yeah we'll be there in a bit," Evan said, he smiled at her.

"Come on kid," Daniel said from the doorway, she hurried to leave with him,

"You know you'll have to stop calling me kid, at some point,"

"You could be fifty, we'll still call you kid," he smirked at her, "you're our baby sister regardless of how old you are,"

"What about when I grow up and have children of my own?" she questioned, he shook his head at her "Are you still going to call kid?"

"Yes, as the older brother, I need to protect you, it's our big brother duty,"

"I can look after myself-

"You don't have a younger sibling-

"I have Regulus, I've come to think of him as a younger brother, I'll always protect him,"

He slung his arm over her shoulders, as they entered the great hall, she smiled at Alice who had seen them enter the hall. Aimee and Daniel chose to sit and eat their dinner rather than return to the common room, a few girls giggled as they walked past them.

She could never understand her brothers need to distance themselves from other witches, particularly, purebloods. Expect Theo he was close friends with Narcissa and Helene, she knew it would be because of their mother. However, she believed they would change their views once they had the freedom to do as they pleased.

"Them girls seem to like you," she said, he turned around, glancing at the small group of girls

"Not my type,"

"Is there anyone you like?" she asked, he blinked quickly, "there is, who are they?"

"A girl she lives in the village, I see her a lot when I go to the store for Charlie,"

"Is she a muggle, like Laura,"

"Yes, she's very sweet and thoughtful, always makes a big fuss whenever I enter the store,"

"I still can't believe I haven't met Laura yet," she complained, "I can tell Jake cares a lot about her,"

"You'll meet her at some point I'm sure of it,"

"I hope so, I'd love to meet the girl that stole one of my brothers away," he laughed at her, as he turn to finish his dinner. "Does she know he's a wizard?"

"Yes, he was so nervous about telling her,"

She smiled to herself, she loved that Jacob had found someone that loved him, even after hearing about wizarding heritage. Though she questioned how he proved that he was a wizard without risking exposure of the wizarding world, which he could have been in serious trouble with the ministry.

"Hey," Dorcas sat next to her, she smiled while other Slytherins glared at the Ravenclaw sat are their table.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," Daniel said, not at all bothered that Dorcas had sat with them.

"I like your brother," she commented, "anyway, do you want to go to duelling club with me?"

"I would but, there's this party-

"Forget about it," Daniel stated, he smiled at them, "go with your friend," Aimee hugged him as she and Dorcas left for the duelling club.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Aimee asked, she nodded, she took a deep breath, "I think I like Sirius, and I don't know how to feel about it"

"What do you mean?"

"He pushed me away for so long, even dated Layla to annoy me,"

"Ah, I know what you could do," she waited for Dorcas to continue, "wait for Sirius to make his move, he likes you too, you might not have noticed but he was miserable with Layla I think he realised early into that relationship that he wanted to be with you,"

"What if he doesn't make a move,"

"Trust me he will,"

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