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second year,
new year, new aimee

Christmas passed and a new year was just the beginning 1973 was going to be her year. She just knew it. She excitedly hurried to Ravenclaw tower, waiting for Dorcas to come out, the two girls raced to the train station. To wait for the arrival of Marlene, Alice, Lily and Mary, they missed their lionesses over Christmas.

Along the way, Dorcas pestered her on the progress of her and Sirius' 'relationship' which of course she had to come clean eventually. Nevertheless, she was happy to be surrounded by the girls again, it had been fun with the boys, Evan was still determined to beat her at wizards chess. He had yet to win a game against her, she enjoyed her time with Sirius but knew it would be over soon.

'Sirius would be happy when it's over'

As they made their way to Hogsmeade station, they ran as they saw the train pull in. While the snow that coated the ground had melted the cold night air, froze the remaining melted snows. Creating a thin glaze of ice on the floor, Aimee slipped she tried to hold herself up, someone caught her arm, steadying her on the ice.

"We really should stop meeting like this,"

"Remus!" she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly as much as she missed the girls she missed Remus just as much.

"Woah, you best get your hands off his girlfriend Moony, he's glaring at you," James said, walking behind him, Sirius rolled his eyes at him.

"Did he just call you Moony?" she asked, he nodded

"Yes, just a silly nickname they decided to give me,"

"We got a lot to catch up on," Sirius said, throwing his arms over Remus and James shoulders "See you later Aims," he smiled at her, she was practically rugby tackled by Marlene, she nearly knocked her back into the wall.

"So tell me everything, has Sirius kissed you yet?"

"Nice to see you too," she said, Alice and Lily embraced her as they got off the train. "Oh my god, is that Mary?" she gazed at the bright blue-haired girl

"Hey girls, it's so good to be back," Mary said, everyone gazed at her brightly coloured hair, "What?"

"Are we going to talk about your hair or just act like it hasn't changed," Dorcas asked

"Oh, yeah I tried something different, do you like it?"

All the girls complimented Mary's hair, it was great to be back together again. Aimee wouldn't leave Regulus or Evan out though, she actually enjoyed hanging out with Evan. Despite Sirius disapproval of her friendship with him, she liked his company, it was always great to talk to someone in her common room.


As Sirius' first quidditch game was near, she attended the game with Regulus and Evan. Aimee promised him she would support him as well as the Slytherin team, she reached the quidditch stands with Regulus and Evan taking their seats in the stand.

Aimee hoped that Sirius could see her as she had a surprise for him, the Slytherin team flew out into the stadium first, flying around the quidditch pitch. Next were the Gryffindor team, she spotted Potter and Black right away, as the game commenced she tried to keep her excited to herself.

Though it was difficult. When Sirius spotted her she opened her jacket to reveal a red shirt, with 'Black's my star' Which caused Sirius to smile and urged him to play better than he was doing. The game came to an end when the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch, giving Gryffindor the win.

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