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fourth year,
black leather jacket

November 3rd, Sirius Black's 15th birthday, she sat in owlery, waiting for Charlie to deliver his birthday present. She had bought him something that she had seen in a muggle magazine, she asked her brother to buy it for her so her mother wasn't suspicious. She sat on a bench gazing out of the window, even with the November weather, the ground still looked like they were picked out of a book.

She smiled when she spotted an owl, flying towards the owlery she walked to the window, waving at him. She backed up as the owl morphed into Charlie, she hugged him tightly, she quickly took the present from him, unwrapping it carefully to see if it would fit him, her brother leaned over her shoulder.

"Wow, expensive," he commented, with a smirk across his face "you're spoiling him,"

"No, I'm not," she said, he hummed unconvinced "I just know he'll love it," he rolled his eyes at her.

"Yeah, sure,"

"He loves Elvis Presley, so I know for a fact he'll love this," she said,

"Really?" he questioned, "I always pictured him as a Queen fan or maybe a David Bowie fan,"

"He does like them too," he smiled at her

"I'm surprised you know who they are,"

"I know because of Sirius," he nodded

"I should get going, I have a meeting with Dumbledore-

"Dumbledore?" she exclaimed "What for?" 

"Just something about Jacob and Theo it's nothing serious, nothing to worry about,"

"Alright, I should get going I need to get dressed for the party," he walked with Aimee back towards the school she turned left towards the dungeons while he continued towards Dumbledore's office.

She trusts Charlie's judgement, while she rarely had anything to do with the Headmaster. She wondered why his brother was distant with him, Aimee didn't put her trust in just anyone. Professor Dumbledore had an act for favouring Gryffindor students so naturally they looked at him like a god, never questioning him.

Whereas the other houses, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were equally treated the same, Slytherin on the other hand. They weren't favoured in the slightest, points would be docked for the littlest things, that other houses wouldn't be docked for.

If Charlie trusted Dumbledore then Aimee would.

As the time came to head to Gryffindor Tower for Sirius' surprise birthday party, James had to be careful when sneaking people inside the common room, as the next day was a Monday, which meant that curfew was earlier that night.

She tried her best to avoid being seen by prefects and Mr Filch. Aimee looked around her, she knocked on the wall next to the Fat Lady's portrait, waiting for a minute, hoping someone heard her knock. Potter opened the portrait, he looked around.

"Oh, it's you,"

"Well, that's charming," he rolled his eyes at her, letting her in.

"I thought you were Meadowes or Vance, I didn't know Remus invited you,"

"Really, you didn't know?" she said, folding her arms across her chest.

"I noticed Sirius is spending more time with you," he asked, "How's he been?"

"What's it to you?" she creased her brows, wondering why he was interested.

"Nothing, I'm just curious," James joined Peter, while they waited for Sirius to come back.

He had gone with Remus to gather some things for a prank, it was Remus' job to keep him busy. Aimee sat with Marlene, Lily and Mary, they watched as Alice and Frank talked in a corner, they were reading through a Herbology book. Frank seemed to know many strange facts about wizarding plants, which Alice loved listening to.

Once everyone had arrived all they had to do now was wait for Sirius to come in. Remus had taken Sirius' mirror to inform James when they were near, once he got the message and made everyone duck down behind sofas. Sirius and Remus wandered into the common room.

"Quiet for change-

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted, jumping up from behind furniture "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Wow, you didn't need to I'm only fifteen," Sirius said,

"Alright, then we should leave," Emmeline said, referring to herself, Dorcas and Aimee who were the only ones not in Gryffindor house.

He rolled her eyes, wrapping his arms around the three girls in a hug. James blasted music from Sirius' record player, immediately strutting around the common room. Aimee tried to contain her laughter, but she couldn't Sirius smiled when he spotted her laughing.

"You haven't talked to her yet," Peter said,

Peter gave him a little nudge to go and talk to her. Sirius walked over to Aimee, Marlene smirked, flicking her eyes over to him. She shot her a warning look to be quiet, he smiled at Lily, Marlene, Mary and Alice who had joined them now.

"Hi ladies, enjoying my birthday are we?" he said,

"Why yes, I almost forgot it was your birthday," Aimee said, he rolled his eyes at her,

"Here, before I forget," she handed him a present, Sirius smiled from the feel of the present it was clothing, he opened the present, a smile grew on his face.

"I love it," Sirius held up a black leather jacket, "thank you," he hugged her, all the girls including Drocas and Emmeline, had a smile on their face as he hugged Aimee.

"Try it on," Marlene told him, Sirius pulled his jumper over his head, pulling his shirt down as it raised with his jumper.

Marlene nudged Aimee winking at her, she rolled her eyes, Sirius put the jacket on, she looked him up and down, a black leather jacket suited him well. She bit her lip, 'he looked hot,' her eyes widened 'did I really just think he was hot?' she was snapped back into reality by Sirius.



"I said, what do you think?"

"It looks good, I obviously have great taste," she said, he laughed

"Nah, it's my good looks that make the Jacket work," he said, with a smirk on his face,

'Yes, it is,' Aimee thought. She could have cursed her mind for thinking these things. "Whatever helps you sleep at night,"

"You do, I've never slept so peacefully than with you," her mouth fell open as did the girls, "I'm joking," he said, wrapping her arm around Aimee.

Sirius was dancing around the common room with James, Remus and Peter. While James and Sirius danced around like they danced way too much, Peter and Remus looked a little more uncomfortable. Aimee began to feel a little tired and no wonder they had partied into the early hours of the morning, everyone was for sure going to be tired in class.

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