𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝑺𝒊𝒙

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spring 1980,
family day, turned bad

Keeping up with two new babies and two toddlers, was exhausting, even with Regulus' help, the young parents were struggling. When they managed to settle Hadrian and Carden down for a nap, Rhea or Phoebe would cause some big noise that would disturb them, they were still young themselves and didn't understand the concept of needing to be quiet.

Sirius made himself a drink, while Rhea and Phoebe played in the living room, they were trying their best to be quiet. The best way to do that was to give them a quiet activity, drawing was a good way to keep them occupied for a little while. His eyes widened as Rhea knocked the table, causing a vase to fall, it shattered on the floor, he held his breath, sighing when he heard the boys crying.

"Rhea, you got to be more careful," he said, moving her away from the broken glass, as he cleaned up, she walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his arm.

"I'm sorry daddy," she said, resting her head on her arm

"It's okay sweetheart, but your brothers are just little babies, they need sleep," he smiled at her, hugging her

"You know what you two need," Regulus spoke, causing Sirius to turn their attention to him and Aimee who cradled Hadrian and Carden, wait for him to continue "You just need to go out, get some fresh air, take the girls to the park, I'm sure they'd love to play," he suggested, Aimee turned to Sirius

"I suppose it would give them some new experiences,"

"Yeah, hopefully, the boys might go to sleep for a bit," he added

"Alright, I help you get Rhea and Phoebe dressed, I'm going to go to Uncle Cygnus' house, accordingly Bellatrix is staying there"

"Are you sure that's wise?" Sirius asked

"It's only Bella, I'm not the little boy that she tormented, I'll be fine,"

"Okay, we'll go out, you go get ready, I'll see to the boys," Sirius told her, as he took their sons from her.

It had been a long time since Aimee and Sirius had gone out together, even if the children were coming with them. She dressed in a pair of denim jeans, turned up at the bottom, she had an oversized jumper, she had been given many clothes from Laura, which came in handy when they were in public with the possibility of muggles seeing them.

"I'm ready," Aimee said, he looked her up and down "What is it?"

"You're dressed like a muggle, it's very cute," he said, kissing her cheek, she smiled, pointing behind her, he turned around Rhea and Phoebe had colour-block jumpers on, which were gifted to them by Daniel and Melissa.

"They look so adorable, are you ready to go to the park?" they nodded their heads, Aimee settled Hadrian and Carden into a twin pushchair.

The family headed out for the day just themselves, Rhea and Phoebe had never been to a park, they were totally oblivious to what a park was. Once they arrived near a muggle park, there weren't many people there, which was perfect, Sirius took the girls over to the slide.

While Aimee sat on a bench nearby, with Hadrian and Carden, she picked her book out from under the pushchair it had been so long since she just sat and read a book. She flicked her eyes over to the giggling girls, she smiled watching Sirius run around with them.

She checked how the babies were doing they had fallen asleep, she hoped that they could manage just a few hours before waking up again. She sat back reading her book, Sirius smiled when he saw her reading, he didn't realise she had any books with her, she managed to keep that quiet.

"Daddy, No!" Phoebe yelled as Sirius threw her up in the air, catching her easily, "Again! Again!"

"Riri's turn," Sirius said, Rhea jumped up, he lifted her high into the air, she laughed loudly as he caught her.

"Mummy's turn," Phoebe said, running back to her mother, Aimee shot him a warning look

"Don't even think about it," she told him,

She turned back to her book, he held his finger up to his lips tell Rhea and Phoebe to be quiet. He snuck up behind Aimee lifting her off the bench, she shoved him away, running away from him. He raced after her, she laughed as he caught her lifting her off the ground spinning her around.

He settled Aimee down, Rhea and Phoebe ran towards them, their father lifted them both up. She chuckled as she took the pushchair, they left the park as Phoebe and Rhea grew tired after running around the playground. Sirius stopped her when he noticed that one of the windows were smashed and the door was open.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," She held Rhea and Phoebe close to her so they didn't follow Sirius into the house.

She kept a tight grip on her wand, just in case someone or something was still lurking around. Sirius hurried back out to them, picking Rhea and Phoebe up, he rushed Aimee ahead of him. He apparated his family to Burke Cottage, she looked around, unsure of why they were at her grandmother house.

"What is it what happened?" she questioned, he remained quiet "Sirius, I'm not taking another step until you tell me what happened-

"Death Eaters, were there, I've been in the order long enough to know when Death Eaters attacked,"

"How could they know we lived there?" she questioned

"They couldn't unless..." he trailed off

"Unless what?" she asked

"Unless there's a mole in the order,"

"Who else did you tell?"

"I didn't tell anyone, the only person, who knew we were staying in today was Remus,"

"You can't be serious, Remus would never sell us out-

"Well, I didn't tell anyone else unless you have," he accused

"Don't be ridiculous, I've been keeping to myself you know that,"

She took Rhea and Phoebe into her Grandmother's house, he never wanted to argue with Aimee in front of the children. Amelia finally got to meet the two newest editions to the family, she might have foreseen many things in her life. She didn't need to be a seer to know something had happened between the newly married couple.

"Reg, are you alright, there was an attack at home," Sirius spoke into his ring.

"What do you mean, nobody should know we're there," he answered

"Death Eaters raided the place, ruined everything," Sirius explained

"I should be heading back soon where should I meet you?" he asked

"Burke Manor, Aimee's always said there's never anyone there," 

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