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sixth year,

Aimee received three howlers, she refused to open them until she was back in her bedroom. She knew they had come from her brothers, wishing her happy birthday, even if they weren't at school with her they still wanted to make a big deal about her birthday. She kept her head down as Marlene and Alice walked over to the Slytherin table they sat on either side of her.

"We were thinking that since you're so well versed in Divination, we were hoping you could us prepare for our exam it's the one we're most worried about," Marlene asked him

"Sure, I'm heading to the library now, if you want to come, though Sirius is supposed to be taking me on a date tonight,"

"That's fine, even if we just get a little work done," Alice said, she smiled at them as she carefully placed the howlers in her pocket, to prevent the risk of them opening and howling in the middle of the Great Hall.

She was surprised that Marlene and Alice wanted to go to the library with her, she figured they'd want to spend time with Dorcas and Frank. She didn't mind though, it was always nice to have company, she knew she would have to go back to her common soon to change, for her date with Sirius was taking her out for her birthday.

Even though she had told him, many times that she wasn't bothered about celebrating her birthday. He wouldn't accept that, a seventeenth birthday was a big birthday for a wizard, he wasn't going to let her waste her birthday. Once she was dressed for their date, she waited outside for him, as Regulus was studying for his owls, and she didn't want to disturb him.

Sirius snuck up behind her, snaking his arms around her waist, he pressed his lips against her neck. She twisted around, he pressed his lips against her, she smiled as he entwined his fingers with hers pulling her away from her dormitory.

"Can't we just go inside?" she groaned

"No, it's your birthday-

"I don't care about my birthday,"

"Well, I do, 'cause if you weren't born, I would've missed out on meeting someone like you," she chuckled, lightly kissing his cheek,

"That's really sweet, I've just never enjoyed celebrating my birthday,"

"I have an idea, why don't we take a little detour on our way to our date," he leaned in close to her, lightly nibbling her ear "the room of requirements seems like a great place," he whispered

"I don't know, we could get in trouble-

"Come on, just for a little while," she pursed her lips, nodding her head, he hurried her up the seventh floor, pulling her back around the corner as he saw people still sneaking inside, he pushed her against the wall, smashing his lips onto to her, she braced her hands against his chest,

"What got into you, you're acting strange?" she questioned

"I love you, is it my fault I like to show affection this way," she smiled, running her fingers through his hair,

"I love you more,"

"Not possible," he smirked at her, as he took her hand walking towards Room of Requirements, he opened the door he turned on the light. Everyone jumped up screaming.


"You didn't have to do this," she said, wrapping her arms around his waist,

Dorcas dragged her to the dance floor, she was just glad she was dressed appropriately for a party, after a while into the party. She notice James looking hurt again by Lily's rejection, once she got a moment she walked over to him, he straighten his posture, smiling at her.

"Enjoying your party?"

"Yes, I wish Sirius didn't go through the trouble but it's still fun,"

"Why are you talking to me?" he asked "Sirius isn't around"

"Despite my pride, I've come to like you," he cocked his brow at her,

"Well, it's about time you notice, what fun I can be," she chuckled

"I know it hurts you when Lily turns you down,"

"No it doesn't," he scoffed

"Don't lie to me, you aren't good at it,"

"Why does it matter to you anyway?"

"Potter, will you just put your walls down for two seconds, you don't have to act so tough all the time," she told him, he sighed

"Do you have a point?"

"I can tell that you love Lily now before I assumed it was a petty crush that would fade away, but I can see how much it hurts when she says no,"


"If I help you win Lily over, are you going to listen to me?"

"Why would you do that?"

"Because, despite our past difference, I don't like seeing you upset-

"I wasn't upset," he exclaimed

"Fine, I'm not horrible, I've helped get people together before, so are you going to listen to me?" she asked, he glanced over to Lily, thinking for a moment, he offered his hand to her, she shook his hand.

"First thing, I want you to do, is ignore Lily-

"What?" he questioned

"I'm not saying don't say hi or anything, but ignore her, don't call her pet names, or flirt, act as though you aren't interested,"

"Well, what good is that going to do?"

"You're annoying her, more than you're going charm her, if you want her to see you're better, you have to at least try to be better,"

"You're saying I should change,"

"No, that's not what I'm saying," she sighed, "James you're almost seventeen yourself, when are you going to grow up, Lily doesn't want a little boy, who's running around with his friends making fun of people," he sighed, lowing her head,

"I guess your right, Sirius matured for you, I should probably do the same for Lily,"

"I'll help you if you need it, you only need to ask,"

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