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second year,
amycus is a dick

As Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts neared, Aimee sat in her common room, trying to complete her homework in time to watch Sirius tryout for beater. The sofa shifted, she looked up at who sat beside her, she smiled at the curly black-haired boy; Regulus, he laid out his homework reading through the textbook. She felt a little guilty that she hadn't spent as much time with him as she hoped.

"So, when were you going to tell me Sirius asked you out?" Regulus spoke, her eyes shot over to him.

"How do you know he did?"

"Are you kidding it's all around school-

"But how," she thought "Marlene" she murmured

"What?" he asked

"Nothing, I've got to go," she packed her things away, she stood up, she turned around to him.

"Would like to hang out with me and Sirius?" she asked, he smiled at her nodding his head. "Come on, I'm going to watch him try out for the Quidditch team," she pulled Regulus off the sofa.

The two Slytherin's made their way to the Quidditch grounds, she told Regulus to go and find them both a seat, while she walked over to speak to Sirius. When he saw her approaching the team, he walked towards her, he assumed she wouldn't show up for tryouts especially Gryffindors.

"Hey," she wrapped her arms around him

"What are you doing here?" Sirius asked

"How rude would it be if I didn't come to support my boyfriend at tryouts," she smiled at him giving him a small wink, he smirked at her.

"I see you brought Reg," he said, looking up in the stands

"Yeah, I need a word with McKinnon, it seems she couldn't mouth shut about us,"

"Yeah, she can't keep many secrets," 

"About the dare, how long do we need to keep it up?" she asked,

"Erm, just for a couple of weeks, we'll tell James that we're better as friends," Sirius told her, though he didn't seem sure of himself.

"Alright, I'll see you later," she said, hugging him one last time, before heading for the stands sitting with Regulus.

Aimee and Regulus watched from the stands, they sat away from the other supporters being that they were from Gryffindor house. They assumed the two Slytherin's were there to spy on them for the Slytherin team, some girls were whispering.

"I bet she's only going out with him, to find out Quidditch tactics,"

"His brother too, rumour has it he's disgusted with Sirius being in Gryffindor just like their parents,"

"Come on Reg, we shouldn't have to listen to this," she said as they left the stands, they didn't have to sit there and be judged by others just because of the colours of their robes or their family reputation.

They left the training ground, heading to the library they both had homework to finish, plus it would give them time to hang out. Aimee smiled at Madam Pince as she showed Regulus to her regular seat in the library by the window so she could look out at the sky, which also told her how long she had been there depending on how high the sun was.

Madam Pince had come to know her on a personal level seeing that she was always taking books from the library, that Aimee had been given a special pass to read whatever she liked. Madam Pince saw how much she adored reading and figured it would be a nice little thing for her to have.

"Aimee, does this look right?" Regulus asked, showing his theory work for potions, she scanned over his work nodding her head.

"Yeah, that seems great," handing it back to him,

The pair were distracted by a commotion from outside the library, she looked up seeing a familiar person hurry into the library hiding her face. She told Regulus she'd be back in a second, she walked over to the crying girl, she rushed over to her when she realised it was Dahlia.

"What happened?" she asked crouching down on the floor with her,

"Amycus said I lack Slytherin qualities that's why I've in Ravenclaw because I'm strange and too dumb for a Ravenclaw," Dahlia said, she hugged her, "he said I don't fit in anywhere, especially our family,"

"Amycus is a dick, I don't care if he's family, he can't talk to you that way,"

"I have enough trouble making friends when people can't get past the fact that I'm a Carrow, I don't need Amycus making things worse,"

"You don't need family like him, your dad is great, and he is so proud of you," Dahlia smiled a little, wiping her tears, "Come here, I want to introduce you to someone," she said, helping her stand up, she walked her over to Regulus.

"Reg, this is my cousin, Dahlia,"

"I've seen you before, you sit behind me in charms right?" she nodded

"Will you keep her company while, I go and sort something out," she asked, Regulus nodded, she sat with him sparking up a conversation rather easily.

Aimee left to go and find her good for nothing cousin, she was fuming with him, how dare he talk to Dahlia like that. 'Ooh, just wait till I get my hands on him,' she thought, hurtling through the school halls. Then she heard them, the laughter of Amycus and Alecto, they were in the courtyard.

Amycus was making fun of some first-year, humiliating them, she clenched her fist. She rushed over to him, drawing back her balled fist, and rammed it into his face knocking him backwards. she sat on top of him hitting him, Alecto jumped on her clawing at Aimee's face, she kicked Alecto off her. She pulled Aimee's hair while she grabbed her school tie dragging her down to the floor.

"Stop it!" Daniel yelled pulling his sister away from their cousins "What is the matter with you, look at yourselves," he warned them, standing between the twins and Aimee.

The three of them looked at each other, Aimee smirked at them, seeing Alecto with mud on her knees and Amycus and his bloody nose. She had her hair ruffled and scratches on her face from where Alecto had clawed at her.

"You're family-

"He started it," she mumbled, Amycus scoffed spitting blood on the floor.

"I don't care who started what, have a little pride for Salazar's sake, move it all of you," Daniel warned them, marching them to the medical wing to get checked out.

"That was entertaining," James said, having seen the whole thing.

"She really hated them doesn't she," Sirius said

"That was a little scary," Peter mumbled behind them.

"Now we know not to get on the wrong side of her," Remus said as James patted Sirius on his back

"Good luck Sirius, you're dating that now," 

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