Glass of milk

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I decided on focusing my attention on who was sitting on my left side. Instead of focusing on the fact that I had just made a complete fool out of myself in front of Lord James.

However he was the one to respond to my thoughts in my mind. " Charlotte, this is my good friend and Beta Luke."

Luke smiled and kissed my hand. However it didn't feel the same as when Lord James kissed my hand a few hours prior. I heard a low growl that came from Lord James.

Luke dropped my hand but I couldn't help but see Luke's smile grow once he heard Lord James growl. I didn't pay much attention to it because I was starting to  get tired.

After everyone was finished eating we all went separate ways. However Lord James waited until I was out of the doors before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

He laid a gentle kiss upon my hand and looked up at me.

"Good night my love."

"Have mercy on my soul this man and his words have me in a frenzy over here." Inner wolf Arie said

And with that he was gone. I made my way into my chambers, Kristan layed out my nightgown on the bed. I let the dress slowly fall down my body.

Exposing my bare breast to the chill in the air. I threw on my nightgown and dove into my sheets.

The same night mare that had been torturing me since last year decided to wake me up at 12:30 a.m.

I quickly opened my eyes and my entire body was covered in sweat.

Then my candle I had placed by my bedside was burning brighter than ever before. Then I saw my feathers from my pillow floating around my entire bed.

It looked as if it was snow falling from the sky, however never hitting the ground just floating in the air.

I quickly gathered my thoughts to get them under control after my nightmare.

Then all at once the feathers fell down onto my bed and the candle went back to buring normally.

I haven't told anyone about this. Because the last thing I need is for someone to find out and tell the entire kingdom I am a freak.

I slowly stepped out of my bed, letting the feathers fall down onto the floor. While I walked into my sitting and opened my door.

I made my way into the kitchen and opened up the ice box to grab some milk out. Then I saw a note on a plate of  cookies.

Note: I thought you might be up again tonight honey. So I made some cookies for you. Love Kristan.

I smiled and picked up the plate.  Once I had the plate comfortable in one hand I picked up the pitcher of milk.

Then started to walk towards my room. However, that is not where I ended up...

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