A simple glance

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After I changed I began to make my way towards the courtgard where the ladies love to gossip. I have found it quite useful to listen in on their conversations.

"Lady Rose. I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." Lady Katherin said as I made way towards the ladies standing near the door.

"Hello Lady Kathrin, Lady Julia, Lady Victoria, and Lady Madison. What have I missed out on?' I asked the women to surround me as they began to spill the latest gossip.

"A little birdy told me that Lady Cora and Lord Ken were found together in his private chambers last night." Lady Julia said as I and the rest of the lady's gasp.

"And who told you that?" Lady Amber said while walking up towards us. "Oh Lady Amber you made it. It was one of my hand maids that told me." Lady Julia said.

"If it comes from a maid, you know it is the truth. They know about more things going on in the place than we do." I said while looking towards Lady Julia.

"Lady Rose there is a handsome man staring at you." Lady Madison said while gester behind me.

I began to slowly turn around to see this stranger when I saw Lord Flyn standing near a man I barely could see due to people walking by.

"It's the man standing near Lord Flyn. Oh my I believe they are walking towards us." Lady Madison said as she whispered in my ear.

I quickly turned back around to face the ladys and began to talk once more. "Good day ladies." Lord Flynn said behind my back. I slowly turned to find Jamie looking back at me.

Everything with me told me to run and hold him in my embrace. But the other half of me that I have grown into began to show throw. Pushing my old childish self aside.

"Good day Lord Flyn. Who is the tall stranger beside you?" I said as I bowed. Lowering my eyes towards the ground and slowly back towards Jamie's eyes.

He looked quite different from the last time I saw him. He was just a young prince at the time and I am a young and foolish princess. Although I bet he is thinking to himself the same thing. I too have changed drastically since the last time we saw each other 4 years ago.

"This is King James. He has come for the golden moon ball." Lord Flynn said. As Jamie took in my complete appearance. And began to focus on my mark he had left on my neck.

"Your Grace Lady Rose lost her husband years ago. He had already marked her, however she is quite taken by Prince Ben. I, on the other hand, am single."

Lady Kathrin said as she stepped forward and bowed and placed her hand in his.

He placed a gentle kiss upon her hand making her blush instantly before looking back at me. "I am sorry for your loss, Lady Rose." He said.

"Thank you King James. I shall be off now. I believe I have enough gossip to last me for one day." I said as I bowed and told the ladies goodbye, before quickly making my way inside.

After making my way inside my heart started to beat faster and it felt as if it was about to burst. I needed to have a great distance from where Jamie was if I was going to be able to breathe.

"The Library." My inner wolf said as I thanked her in my head then started to quickly make my way towards the library. Usually on Sundays barley one ventures into it. So I knew I would be able to control my thoughts without everyone's eyes on me.

I pushed open the large doors and ran into the library clenching my chest. It was getting hard to breathe. How could this be happening? I asked myself as I began to pace through the large rows of books.

How am I to explain to him that he has a kid that I never told him about since he rejected me?me? I screamed in my head. What if he is here to fully reject me? I questioned myself, when I heard footsteps behind me.

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