The gift

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The dawn of a new day was close upon us as Adleine woke up and began to jump on the bed. "The sun isn't out. Come back to bed." I said in a tired voice.

"But mommy we must get ready. We have to look our best if father is to see us." She squealed as she jumped on top of me.

"You must not call him that in public. Call him King James." I said as I picked her up and made my way towards my closet.

I picked out a simple dress to wear and began to gather my things. "You're not staying here tonight?" Adeline asked as I placed my suitcase on the bed.

"I will have Jamie meet me in my own chambers. I don't want you traveling all the way out here by yourself at night again." I said with an eyebrow raised towards her.

"I am sorry mother. I was scared." She admitted as she sat on the end of the bed.

"I know, however, you left Lady Madison's chambers late at night. We shall stop by there and you will apologize." I said as I closed my suitcase and began to pick it up.

A few hours later...

After we finished at Lady Madison's chamber Adeline and Lilly went off and began to play. "Good day, Lady Rose." Lady Trinity said as she joined me down the hallways towards the sitting room.

"Oh. My dear, you look quite tired. I thought Benjamin told me you were taking a day to yourself." Lady Trinity said while placing my arm in hers.

"Indeed, however Adeline joined in late last night and woke me up before the light could spread across the land." I said as I let a small giggle escape my lips.

I could smell and felt that Jamie was nearby. Once we turned the corner I saw him talking amongst a few men. His eyes fell towards me immediately.

"If you speak of the devil he shall appear." Lady Trinity said as I focused back on her rather than looking at Jamie.

I looked to see who she was talking about when I saw Ben making his way towards us. "Good morning Son." Trinity said as she embraced him in a hug.

"Good morning Lord Benjamin." I said while bowing in respect for the prince. He smiled and held out a box.

"What is this?" I asked as I grabbed the bug box from his grip. "Open it." He said as his smile grew bigger.

Once I had opened it, I saw a huge necklace that was very stunning. I quickly looked up from the piece of jewelry to see Ben taking it out of the box.

He moved a piece of my hair and placed the large necklace upon my skin. I smiled up and thanked him for his gift.

However on the inside my wolf and I felt like we were being strangled by the Jewelry upon my neck. I smiled as I walked past him towards Jamie.

He was standing around a few men. "Good morning." I said while bowing towards the men. "Oh Lady Rose, I have been meaning to talk with you." Jamie said as he grabbed my arm and started walking.

Once we were far away from the crowd I pulled my arm from his grip. " What is the meaning of this?" I spat, waiting for him to respond.

It felt as if the large piece of jewelry around my neck was getting tighter by the minute. "Are you going to speak to Jamie or not?" I asked as I began walking closer towards him.

"I would like for you to trust me." I said after a few moments. "How do you suppose I do that?" I asked in a sassy voice while crossing my arms.

"By my actions and....." He was rudely interrupted by Lady Julia walking down the hallway.

"Good Morning Lady Rose and King James." She said as she bowed in front of us. Once we did the same she grabbed my arm and began to walk away from Jamie.

"My apologies King James but I must steal Lady Rose away for some tea." She said as we contended to make our way towards the sitting room.

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