Chapter 11- I would rather spend a day in the wooden cage beating up Sai

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I do not own Naruto

I arrived to see Naruto, Sakura, and Sai. Both of my real team mates were giving unsure and almost hateful looks at the fake smiling Sai. Yamato stood in the front of them, a look of unsureness as he looked at my team.

"Sorry I'm late!" I rubbed my head.

"Hey Yuki-chan! What took you so long?" Naruto asked as he and Sakura turned to me.

"Just helping a little kid with cute ears." I took a deep breath turning to see Sai. "Please excuse my actions from earlier, I let my emotions get the better of me. Let's not let that make us fail this mission."

Without waiting for his, most likley rude, answer Yamato turned. "Team Kakashi, let's head out now." As he started walking I followed and soon everyone else did too.

As we walked further I let myself fall behind to walk beside Naruto and Sakura, who shared my opinion of Sai.

The entire time Naruto stared glaring at Sai, Sakura would just glance at Sai unsure. I was in between glaring and unsureness as I looked at Sai.

Finally he turned to us, "Is something wrong?"

We only looked at him as our answer. "Please don't look at me so much. Or I'll hurt you."

"Stop talking annoyingly like that, teme!" Naruto shouted clenching his fist, an anime vein present on his forehead.

"I have no ill intentions." Sai said.

"Liar!" Naruto and I said in unison, only I said it more calmly while Naruto shouted.

"I was just hoping for such a situation." Sai murmured back.

"Situation?" Sakura asked looking at Sai.

Naruto stopped again. "So you do have ill intentions! You're no good after all!"

Everyone in our team stopped now, Sai turned towards Naruto, Sakura, and I. Finally Yamato slowly turned to look at us all.

"You really piss me off." Naruto growled bluntly.

"You can't just ignore the teams well-being and say that, Naruto." Yamato spoke up. "Kakasho-san must have taught you the importance of team work and trusting your team mates. You are the members of the great Kakashi-san 's team. So what's up with that?"

"This guy is not a member of team Kakashi" Naruto shouted my thoughts. "The last member of team Kakashi is Sasuke! He is just a replacement to fill in while Sasuke isn't here. I won't accept him as a member of the team!"

As everyone fell silent I spoke up. "I agree. Sai-teme is nothing but a fill in for Sasuke-kun. After this mission we will be a step closer to having him back."

"Well that puts me at ease as well." Sai said, the look on his face only irradiated me more. "Someone who betrayed the leaf and joined Orochimaru, I don't want to be put into the same group-"

I clenched my teeth and fist.

"As trash like that."

"B-Bastard!" Naruto shouted.

"I thought I wold you, Sai, never talk ill of my team mates, ever." I growled as I clenched my fist more, my nails breaking the skin causing blood to run down my fist.

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