Chapter 42- You're sending me back?!

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I do not own Naruto.

Important Author's note at the end, please read

3Rd Person.. in Konoha...

Tsunade slammed her hands down on her desk, making her assistant shriek and the black haired boy jump. "Just who do you think you are?! Coming in my office, and saying that Yuki is your cousin! Everyone knows that her family is dead!"

The teen male cleaned his ear with his pinkey, looking at the wall to the side in disinterest. "Who does she think she is? Jeeze, if I knew that the old Hokage here was rude as well as old I don't think I would have recommended coming here, ne Zero-chan?"

A dark aura flooded the room, making both teens freeze. "What did you just say, you little brat?" Tsunade growled.

Not getting the hint, Ichiro said. "Geeze, looks like she's old, rude, and deaf." He erupted into laughter just before Tsunade leaped over her desk and punched him in the face.

Tsunade stayed where she was, looking over at Zero who seemed to only glance at Ichiro. "Get up, you're over-dramatic Ichiro. Apologize already, she's not the Hokage for no reason, baka." She said calmly.

Ichiro pouted as he stood up, seemingly as if nothing was wrong with him, despite that he was just punched through a door by Tsunade. "Awe, Zero-chan, you ruin all of my fun. I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, I was just having a little fun. You're really a young woman who's beauty just shocked me so much I couldn't help myself from teasing you,forgive me?"

Tsunade blinked, not only shocked from what he said but from the fact that he wasn't injured at all, not even a little scratch. Clearing her throat she returned to her chair, her desk laying at her feet on the floor.

"Anyway, care to explain how the hell you can be related to Yuki?"Tsunade demanded, her eyes once again hard.

Zero looked from Ichiro back to Tsunade, the same smirk on her face. "Oh, did I forget to mention that Mai is my Aunt? My father is her brother."

"Mai didn't have any siblings, try again." Tsunade countered.

"Last time I checked, Aunt Mai did and her sibling was my father. Maybe you just don't know as much as you think you do about your students, Hokage-sama." Zero sighed dramatically.

"Well, either way, is Yuki-chan here? I've been excited to see her beauty in person." Ichiro grinned, ignoring the look all three females sent him.

Zero coughed, "Please excuse my friend, Hokage-sama, he seems to think that my cousin is going to be dating him soon."

"I'm not thinking it, Zero-chan, I know it." Ichiro countered, a smirk on his face.

With a roll of her eyes, Zero looked back to the blonde Hokage. "Anyway is Yuki here or not?"

"I will not be giving you any information until I know everything. So far, everything you say isn't true. Mai didn't have any siblings, and all of Yuki's family is dead." Tsunade stood up. "Until you two tell me your true intentions, I'll have Ibiki deal with you."

Quickly the childish smile on Ichiro's face vanished, it was replaced by a rare serious face with hooded eyes. "I would rather not deal with Ibiki, and I don't want Zero-chan to either. You don't believe us, we will just go on to another village to look for Yuki Okami. While I'm sure you know her, it seems that you don't want to reunite this family."

"Shut up, Ichiro." Zero commanded, making Ichiro look at her. "She's the Hokage, it makes me a little happier knowing that my cousin is at least in safe hands. We will talk to this Ibiki, but once you know that I am really Yuki's cousin, I'll expect an apology, Hokage-sama." Her voice was teasing.

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