[REQUESTED] The Chance Encounter - Leafy x Balloon x Suitcase

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humanized + collage AU (dam i havent done a human au in a long time [i think] lmfao💀💀💔)

edit from the ice age: suitcase has prosthetic arms😩

pizera  (you guys will have to get used to me smh😔😔😔 sorry not sorry tho🥰🥰🥰🥰)


No One's POV

Leafy had always been the studious type. She was known for her ecstatic nature and her dedication to her studies. As she started her first year at the bustling college campus, she couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by all the new faces and the fast-paced environment. Balloon and Suitcase, on the other hand, were known for their carefree and adventurous spirits. They were inseparable, always ready for the next exciting moment.

One sunny afternoon, Leafy decided to take a break from her books and enjoy the fresh air. She wandered into the courtyard where a group of students were playing frisbee, her eyes following the colorful disc as it sailed through the air. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the approaching danger until it was too late. "Watch out!" a voice called out, and Leafy felt a sudden force knock her off balance. She stumbled backward and fell to the ground, her books scattering everywhere.

"O-ouch..." She said, reaching out to her books. Balloon and Suitcase rushed over, their worried expressions turning to relief when they saw that Leafy was okay. "Are you alright?" Balloon asked, extending a hand to help her up. Leafy blinked up at him, her heart racing. "I think so. Thanks for saving me." Suitcase grinned. "No problem! We're always on the lookout for danger." Leafy couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm.

"I'm Leafy, by the way. Nice to meet you both. "I'm Balloon, and this is Suitcase," Balloon introduced them, shaking Leafy's hand. As they picked up her books together, Leafy found herself feeling strangely drawn to the two of them. She had always been a bit of a loner, but something about their energy was infectious. A few weeks passed, and Leafy, Balloon, and Suitcase kept bumping into each other around campus.

They started studying together, grabbing lunch at the same cafeteria, and even joined the same extracurricular club. They were becoming fast friends. One day, as they were hanging out in the library, Suitcase blurted out, "You know, we're looking for a third roommate in our dorm. Our last one moved out unexpectedly, and the rent is getting steep. Would you be interested, Leafy?" Leafy hesitated for a moment, her mind racing. She had always been comfortable in her own space, but the idea of living with her new friends was oddly appealing.

She even had a crush on them, which she won't admit to them. She finally nodded. "I'd love to. It sounds like fun." And so, they moved into the cozy college dorm room together. Leafy's neatly organized shelves contrasted with Balloon and Suitcase's colorful posters and carefree decorations. It was a blend of personalities, but somehow, it felt just right. Living together brought the three friends even closer. Leafy's ecstatic and thoughtful nature balanced Balloon and Suitcase's spontaneity.

They helped each other with their studies, cooked meals together, and even had movie nights in their tiny living space. One evening, they sat together on the floor, a bowl of popcorn in their midst. Balloon suggested, "Let's watch a classic horror movie tonight!" Leafy raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I don't know if Suitcase would like that." Suitcase glanced at Leafy, noticeably blushing. "Don't worry, Leafy. I'll be okay!" She reassured Leafy. As they watched the movie, Leafy found herself accidently sleeping on Suitcase's shoulder, much to their amusement.

 It was moments like these that made her grateful for her new friends. College life brought challenges and triumphs, but Leafy, Balloon, and Suitcase faced it all together. They celebrated each other's achievements, provided support during tough times, and grew as individuals and as friends. One evening, as they sat on their dorm room floor, reminiscing about their journey so far, Leafy couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude.

"I never thought I'd find such great friends in college, let alone roommates like you two." Balloon smiled warmly. "We're glad to have you, Leafy. You've added a lot of positivity to our lives." Suitcase nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and we'll always have each other's backs, no matter what." Their shared laughter filled the room, sealing their bonds forever. "H-Hey guys, I have something to confess..." Leafy started, nervously shaking. Suitcase's eyes perked up, and Balloon raised his eyebrow.

 "Hm, what is it?" He asked, curious. "I have this weird feeling around you two...w-would you mind if we all dated?" Leafy asked, stuttering. Balloon and Suitcase exchanged glances and smiled. "Sure! We'd love to date you!" Suitcase said, smiling happily. In this cozy college dorm, Leafy, Balloon, and Suitcase had found not just roommates, but a polyamorous romance their own, holding each other's hands and staring at the night sky.


dam my computer is bright af in my room, even at 0% brightness💀✌️ (my windows are open, and it's literally the evening rn so its rlly dark in my room)

anyways i actually find this ship a cool and cute rare pair, and im being fr😨🫢

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