[REQUESTED] Fooling Around - Taco x Blocky Fluff

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guys i was supposed to write this yesterday but got too full and fell asleep at 11:30 PM🏴‍☠️😟😅 opsooies

listening to poem panic by dan salvato while writing this matches together perfectly


no one's pov

Blocky and Taco had been friends for ages, bonding over their shared experiences. They decided to have a sleepover at Blocky's place, eager to spend some quality time together outside the challenges and competitions. What the other didn't know, was that they both had a secret crush on each other.

The night started with Blocky wanting to make a series of "Blocky's Funny Doings International." Taco, always strategic, had her plans in motion to assist Blocky, although she had her worries in how far Blocky would go to. "Glue! Stapling objects to the wall! Pouring canned tuna on someone's face!" He shouted. Taco shook her head in disappointment. "Stapling objects to the wall? Really?" She asked, sounding annoyed. "Is it really that bad," Blocky said. "I mean, it's not like we pay for their health insurance or taxes anyways-"

"'Course it is! Come on, how many times have I told you already?" Taco asked. Blocky giggled. "Ok, ok, fine. Only for you Miss Princess, sheesh." He said. The way he said it made Taco even more confused, and somewhat flushed. She glanced at Blocky and Blocky glanced at her. "O-Of course I didn't mean it in a flirtatious way, why would I do that-BAHAHAHA!" Taco was confused and looked at the laptop Blocky had on his lap, which showed a video clip of Woody getting robbed by Teardrop. 

"How do you find this type of stuff funny? He's literally getting robbed!" Taco asked. "Oh calm down, they'll settle it together. Anyways, I'm getting hungry, let's go to my kitchen!" He yelled out. Taco followed him reluctantly to the kitchen, only because she was expecting to be pranked, it's Blocky after all.

They settled in with snacks— gummies and nacho and cheese, since the two couldn't decide on which one is better. Blocky grabbed a can of whipped cream and went outside. "B-Blocky, where are you going? It's 11 PM..." Taco cautiously stepped out of his house and caught him putting whipped cream all over Woody's car. She had forgotten they were neighbors and didn't really get along but they sure were playful. Taco face-palmed herself and beckoned Blocky to come back in. He whined. "Aw man, I was just having fun!"

"Yeah, well, sometimes you get too carried away." She said.

With bellies full and energy waning, they decided to watch a movie. Blocky, being Blocky, suggested an action-packed film while Taco favored a suspenseful mystery. After a playful argument, they compromised and settled on a movie that had a bit of both. Blocky went ahead and turned on the TV.

Halfway through the movie, Taco couldn't help but feel a bit spooked by the suspenseful scenes. Blocky, noticing her unease, suggested they build a pillow fort to ward off any lingering spookiness. "...Then we can blow up North Korea!" He jokingly said. Taco simply smiled; she thought seeing him so playful was cute of him. She quickly smothered the thought. Together, they constructed a magnificent fort, using every pillow and blanket they could find. Inside their fortress, Taco felt safe and laughed at her own earlier fright.

As the movie wrapped up, fatigue started to catch up with them. They brushed their teeth side by side, engaging in a toothpaste-squirting contest that left both of them covered in minty foam and giggling uncontrollably. "Blocky, you got all the water on the floor!" Taco said, still giggling. "I know, I know." Blocky said. He smiled, realizing he hasn't had this much fun with Taco in quite a while. 

After cleaning up the mess, the two settled in their sleeping bags. They drifted off to sleep, cozy and content in each other's company. Blocky however, would often poke Taco multiple times in her sleep to show her useless TikToks he found.

The next morning, they woke up with the sun streaming through the windows, feeling rejuvenated and grateful for the fun-filled night they had shared. They decided to make it a tradition, promising to have more sleepovers filled with laughter, games, and endless camaraderie. As they bid farewell, Taco gave Blocky a warm hug. "I promise that when BFB ends, we'll have a sleepover like this again!" Blocky said. Taco smiled. 

"I'd love that."


dang this is kinda long (for me) lo🏴‍☠️😅

wooff woof bark bark woof bakr bark rbak wof bar kar bearowoookf WOof brarkbarkabrak woof wof😡😡😡😤😤😤 (i'm so sorry for this😭)

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