[REQUESTED] Profily's Path to Happiness - Profily x Depressed!Reader

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today we "skipped" a class i really hate so im rlly happy rn🆙


3rd person POV

There was a contestant named Profily who was known for their cheerful and bubbly personality. They were always the life of the party, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone's faces. But one day, something seemed off. Profily noticed a fellow contestant, Reader, who had been feeling down and distant from the rest of the group.

It had been a few days, and Profily couldn't bear to see their friend feeling so sad. They decided it was time to do something about it. So, they hatched a plan to team up with the depressed reader in the next challenge. Their goal was to help their friend find happiness once again.The challenge was announced, and it was a tough one. A massive obstacle course filled with hurdles, puzzles, and a lot of teamwork. Profily went over to the reader's side, wearing a big smile on their face.

"Hey there! I noticed you've been feeling a little down lately. How about we team up for this challenge? I promise it'll be fun!"

The reader looked up, surprised by Profily's genuine concern. With a slight smile, they nodded, "Sure, I'd like that."

As the challenge began, Profily and the reader worked together seamlessly. Profily's positivity was contagious, and even the reader couldn't help but feel a bit better with Profily by their side. They navigated through the obstacles, solving puzzles, and encouraging each other along the way.

"Great job! You're doing amazing!" Profily cheered as they leaped over a massive hurdle, the reader following close behind.

"T-Thanks?" Reader said, slightly confused at the comment.

Despite the challenge being intense, the reader couldn't help but feel a little happier. Profily's presence was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds of their emotions. They realized that sometimes, all it took to start feeling better was a friend who genuinely cared.As they reached the final stage of the challenge, a complicated puzzle that required both their efforts, Profily said, "We've got this! Together, we can overcome anything!" Reader felt their face crack a smile, which they quickly realized.

With renewed determination, they put their heads together and solved the puzzle. As the pieces clicked into place, the reader felt a sense of accomplishment and joy they hadn't experienced in a long time.

When they finally completed the challenge, both Profily and the reader were smiling. It wasn't just about winning the challenge; it was about finding happiness together.

Profily and the reader became inseparable friends. "You were so cool there!" Profily exclaimed. "You were too." Reader murmurred. Profily smiled.

"You know, [Y/N]," Profily said. "I've never had a friend as great as you. You're always so caring, and you value my feelings too!" Profily said.

Reader nodded in delight. "You also value my feelings, showing me some wonders in the world. And I like you for that." Profily felt their face get hotter by the second, while Reader felt butterflies in their stomach. The two couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I LOVE YOU!" They both blurted out, shocked that they said it in unison. "O-Oh...!" Reader said, their eyes wide open in shock. Profily had the same expression on their face too. "So...do you want to go out? I-I mean if you want to of course. I don't know what exactly you're dealing with in your life right now, but-"

"I'd love...to go!" Reader said. "You're the only reason why I'm smiling right now, so of course I'd go out with you!"

Profily smiled and cupped Reader's hands. "So, where do you want to go, dear [Y/N]?"


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