Car drive

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Dedicated to @Cupcake_crazygirl

You and Cole were in his new car that he bought to celebrate your graduation. You were happy of his buy but you were even happier as you could spend some time with him as both of you were busy in their way; you were focused in your studies while he was on his tour but today he returned for your graduation.

You both were listening I Want Crazy by im5 itself.. You loved this song.

You both were chatting about random things. His hands were on the chair wheel while your left hand was on his knee. You was looking at him each time thinking how lucky you are to have the best fiancé ever!!

His attention was on the road when suudenly he turned his head to look into your brown eyes. It was then,the last thing he saw from you as was for you,it was his brown eyes that you lastly saw.

Hi, so important news...but first
Niyathi,how did ya find it??

So important news, guess what happened after??

Don't read the spoiler....

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