surprise surprise

69 3 2

Dedicated to sjlover23

You were returning home from the library. You wanted to spend the less time you could away from your house as every time you missed your best guy friend a lot, Cole. He was on ttour with his band mates in UK. You both would talk everyday but this week he didn't call or text you. When you arrived at home, you went in the kitchen to grab something to eat. Then your mother told you that you received a parcel from someonr and she put in your room. Puzzled you went in your room and saw the parcel. You opened it to see a card and a letter. You read the letter and it said

- Hi Sofi
How are you doing?
I hope great cuz there will be many adventures for you right now. But for now go to the place where you and your bestie would spend most of time together!

Confused, you wanted to ask your mum who gave this but it was too late as she went to work. So you took your phone and your car keys. Then you drove to the National Park because it was there that you and Cole spent most of your time. Once there you saw Marcus, Cole's bubby. You went to him and hugged him. He hugged you back and gave a letter. You opened it and read it.

- so you got the letter from Marcus! Good then cuz it shows that you still remember your bestie. Now go to your favorite shopping mall.

Quickly you drove to Super mall, your favorite one. During the whole ride you wondered who was the person who sent you all this letters and how does he know I would go there with Cole??

Without realizing, you went in front of the mall. You were about to enter when you saw Kylee, Cole's sister. You walked to her and hugged her. She hugged her and gave you a letter. You hugged her once more and left to your car. There you opened it and read it.

- so you met your bestie's sister. Has she changed a lot sine the last time you met her?? Anyways go to your brother- like house!

Immediately you drove to Dana's house. You knocked the door and after a few minutes, Joni Dana's mom, opened the door. When you entered in, you saw a beautiful decorated Christmas tree with many gifts atvtye bottom. You turned to hug Joni and asked her if she had any letter for you. She nodded and said

Joni: but first Santa Claus gave you some gifts.

You were puzzled when she handed you different bags. When you peeked inside the bags, there were a dress, accessories, shoes, make up materials,etc..

IM5 Imagine [COMPLETED] ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ