Colton VS Dabriel

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Dedicated to 5secondsof_IM5

You were walking nearby the bookshop of school when suddenly you heard yelling. Curious, you followed the voice when you saw the school's most popular guys fighting. As you were friends with them, you went between them and soon they stopped arguing. Then you looked at your best friend, Gabe and asked him what happened. He then told you that there is a competition for the best couple. So Dana and him decided to participate when they saw Cole and Dalton also participating so then they all started to fight..

You signed as you were exhausted from always stopping these 4 from fighting. You turned away and walked to the library for some research work and also to be as far away from these boys.

*1 week later*

Today was the competition that Colton and Dabriel have been waiting for. Every student was in the hall, sitted on a chair in order. In front of them, was the stage where the contestants would be. Soon the show started hosted by the principal. He asked the couples to do several types of tasks. Unfortunately you arrived at the end of the show as you were blocked in a traffic. When you arrived in the hall, the principal was announcing the winner.

Principal: the winner of our competition is couple Wavid i.e Will Jay and David Scarzone!

Everyone was cheering loudly except Colton, Dabriel and you. You didn't expect and know that they were participating. But then, you also clapped as Colton and Dabriel did.

It was weird as all your friends were gay!!

This is for 5secondsof_IM5

Sorry I didn't mean to hurt anyone feelings..

They weren't gay, they are normal; they like girls so No hate!

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