history for @aripendery96

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How did you meet:

You were walking to Starbucks. In fact you weren't alright as you just broke up with your boyfriend. You just found out that he cheated on you since the beginning of your relationship. You were so much distracted that you bumped into someone. Shit you muttered to yourself. You apologized to the person and looked up to see the most handsome boy ever with his brown eyes and dirty blond hair. He looked at you gently. You blushed which make him laugh. Then he got up and helped you up. Afterwards he insisted to offer you a treat at Starbucks as a sign of apology.
Once there, you both chatted and he gave you his number while you gave him yours. Then he told you his name was Cole Pendery.

How he asked you out/ first kiss:

Since that day, Cole and you became close friends. He would always stand with you, care for you and protect you. On the other way, you started to have a huge crush on him. One day you and Cole were hanging out with his band mates. There you offered to play Marco Polo. All accepted and soon you all were in the pool. You played for about 30 min till you were tired. So you went to test on the edge of the pool when Cole also followed you. He asked you to accompany him till the garden. Once there, you were surprised as Cole cuooed your cheeks and kissed you. You kissed back and he confessed that he loved you..then he asked you out after you also confessed to him.

Break up:

Cole and you have been together for 2 weeks andyiu saw him a little distant. Many times you thought maybe he was hiding something but every time you would deny it. One day when you returned home you saw Cole's car which was weird as he told you he would return late. You went inside to see the most unforgettable thing ever happening: Cassidy Shaffer, his ex- girlfriend was kissing Cole..
You couldn't bare it so you left despite hearing Cole screaming for you. You wen to Will's house and stayed there.

Back together:

4 days passed since you broke up with Cole. You atioo didn't believe that Cole cheated on you. You were watching TV when you heard a knock at the door. You opened it to see Cole all red and puffy. You could say that he cried as much as you did. He looked at you and quickly kissed you on the lips. You kissed back and soon pulled away. Then he told you that it was Cassidy who pressed her lips against her. He would never did something that hurt you in the past. He loved you too much for that. You smiled and kissed him which made him smirked. Then he asked you to take him back and you nodded before kissing him again!

So this is for Ari..
Sorry for lateness!!

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