Dalton VS Cole

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Dedicated to SarahLynn111999

You and Cole have been dating since 5 years and you can say that during these five years your life was like hell!

Your elder brother,Dalton didn't accept the fact that you dated Cole. He was against this relationship but even thought Cole wanted to prove Dalton that he was wrong. Dalton didn't want you to date Cole as he feared that he would break your heart. He trusted Cole a lot but because of the crazy 5ers, he didn't want to take the risk.

Cole would always want to spend time alone with you but Dalton would always look after you. He even went through a fight with Cole just to keep Cole away from you. But late at night you would call him as you missed every single second you were apart from him. But one day Cole was at your house,cudling with you while watching Adventure time. Suddenly Dalton entered in and started screaming loudly at you as he was furious to see you two cuddling. He also shot Cole daggers when Cole stood up and started yelling at him. Soon they both were fighting each other and you couldn't take it anymore so you just stood them and kissed Cole forcefully which made both stopped fighting. Naturally Cole deepened the kiss by putting his hands around your waist. Where as Dalton, he was dumbfounded at the sight. Then he said something which made you and Cole this time, dumbfounded.

Dalton: Cole, I'm sorry bro!
I never should have tried to keep you away from my sis. I thought maybe because of our 5ers, she could heart-broken but I was wrong. She needs you in her life as much as I need My girlfriend. But please just take great care of her for me!!

Afterwards he left. Cole was so confused as you were. But then you smiled thinking that your brother understood your feelings. You turned to face Cole and you saw him smirking at you.

- Now that I have your brother's permission, YOU ARE MINE FOR LIFE!!!

then he kissed you passionately. You kissed back and soon you both were kissing deeply while lying on the couch!

Hello,this is for Sarah!

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