hola amigos

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Dedicated to katelync321456

You were so excited today. Why? Well because today you were going to meet the im5 for their M&G at LA for Christmas eve. Around 8:30 you left along with your best friend, Amy to The main building. After 15 mins, you finally arrived there. Immediately you and your friend rushed to the entrance. After settling down, you and Amy were squealing so much that you didn't notice that the boys already arrived. You both stopped when you heard familiar voices behind you saying

- girls, why are you excited to see us like that when we are behind you!!

You both screamed Loudly drawing all attention which made you both blush. Then you turned to face the boys and hugged them. Afterwards they started the M&G. It was so hilarious... Somehow you noticed that Dana was staring at you and Dalton at Amy. Not bothering you continued to enjoy the program. Arriving at the end, you and Amy were both about t leave when Dana and Dalton stopped you. Then they hesitately asked you your numbers which you gave and left afterwards after kissing then on the cheeks, making them blush.

It was the best Christmas Eve ever!!
Hi, this is for katelync321456
An early Christmas gift

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