Kidnapper or boyfriend??

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Dedicated to @Mystery_chick7

You were heading to your boyfriend's house, Cole. You were so excited to go there after so long. Suddenly a van passed near you and someone pulled you into the van and covered your mouth. You were struggling with all tour force but these men were so strong. You couldn't see their face as they were wearing masks and the van were all dark. Without realizing you fell unconscious. When you woke up, you were in a dark room with only a bulb lightened, your hands and legs tied. You were struggling but it was in vain!

Suddenly you heard the door opened and someone came who you couldn't identify. When he started talking you found his voice so familiar. You could also tell that there were other people with him.

(Kidnapper- K You- y)

K- Hello Beautiful! Did ya sleep well? I hope yes because now things will become serious!

Y- Look you weird old man, I don't know why you kidnapped me but you will regret it when my boyfriend and his bang will come to find me!!

K- hahaha...let me say that your boyfriend and his gang is already here...

And then the kidnapper and his companions showed themselves in the light. They removed their masks and you were confused and shocked to see...Cole and his gang!!!!!

You were so confused and surprised that you were speechless.

Y- C..ole....why???

Then Cole looked at you and smirked while waking towards you. All the boys behind had a smirk on their faces also. Cope came near you and caressed your cheeks giving you shiver down your spine. The he told you

- because your organs can be sold at a very good price, bringing a lot of money for us.

You were shocked and paralyzed with fear. Suddenly your alarm rang and you immediately woke up. You looked around you to see you sleeping in your bed in your room. Suddenly you heard some snores. You turned your head to see Cole sleeping peacefully with a cute face and he was SHIRTLESS!!!

You leaned forward and Kissed his cheeks which made him smiled. Then you slept again..

Hi, this is for Rachel!!
Hope you like it ;)

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