history for @MrsColePendery96

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How did you meet:

You were heading towards your locker to keep your things in it as it was almost 3:00 pm. Each time you were passing near someone, he/she would wave and smile at you.

If you're wondering, YUP you were popular! In fact you were the most popular girl in your campus as people mainly boys would talk to you as you are an American. Every boy has confessed to you but you denied them as you were interested in the bad boy who never confess but would always stare at you!!

Just after you deposited your books in your locker, someone clapped your locker. You turned to see Cole,the bad boy. He looked at you with a smirk and asked you to accompany him. You looked at him confusingly and suddenly he grabbed your wrist and both headed to your History class. You were shocked as it was the next class you had to attend but you never notice Cole was in. Cole dragged you in front of class which led every boy to stare at him. Once in front of the class, he released your hands and said prouldly: My name is Cole Pendery and I'll work with Monica for the assignment!

You were shocked as you forgot completely the assignment to be completed for next week but also because he jut announced to be your partner without your agreement. The teacher looked at you and asked if you accept it? You looked at Cole to see him emotionless. Then you turned to look at the teacher and nodded which made Cole smirked. After the class, he asked for your number so as to contact you. You gave him and he gave you his and then left.

How he asked you out/first kiss:

You and Cole haven't been talking that much at school but you would go to his house everyday after school hours. At school, he would try to avoid your presence but once at his house he would act normal with you. This afternoon you were supposed to go to his house as usual. Once you arrived there, no one was present only his maid was here. She opened the door and told you to go upstairs. You nodded and went there. You were doing your homework. Suddenly someone blinded your eyes. It was Cole as you could smell his scent. You turned around to see him smirking at you which you found creepy. Slowly he started walking towards you and you started to back up until your back hit the wall. He smirked at you and suddenly came only a few inches away from your lips. Ty next thing you know, is that his lips are crashed against yours, his hands are around your waist, your hands are around His neck. He kissed you so passionately that you melt each time. After sometime, both pulled away to gasp air. Then he looked at you gently and asked you out. You smiled at him and nodded. He told you I love you Monica and you say back.

Break up:

You and Cole have been dating since some days and you found that he isn't as bad as people say. He only protects his beloved ones and most of the time,he would get into fights as boys would stare at you. You were passing near a classroom when you heard kissing sounds.Curious you went towards that door to see Cole was kissing the captain of cheerleaders. Immediately you started sobbing and suddenly made a sound which caused both to look at you. When Cole saw you, he quickly pulled away and rushed to you but you Dodged him and ran away.

Back up:

You and Cole have broken up and you are very affected by it. Now I realised how much I love Cole! You thought to yourself. You were doing your homework in the library when suddenly some of your friends came and told you that Cole met an accident and he is in the sick room. Immediately you rushed to the sick room while crying. Once there you were surprised to see no one. You looked around to see no one. Suddenly the door closed and Cole appeared. You looked at him with shock and then rushed to him and hugged him. He hugged you back and kissed you on the forehead. Afterwards he lifted your head and kissed your lips deeply. You kissed back and soon started a make out session. Suddenly you pulled away and looked at him sadly. He asked you pardon as he didn't try to dodge when The girl came on him. You also apologized for your behaviour and kissed him again. Then he asked you out once more which you accepted once again but this time, happily!

Hello, so this is for Monica who asked for it since long but sorry I couldn't as I was at a prayer and then I noticed that I did a mistake!!


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