Dana the goofball

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dedicated to SarahLynn111999

( to be more exact, it's for her friend )

You were getting dressed for a date that Dana,your boyfriend since 4 years now invited you to. You were super excited to know where you were going as today is your 4 year anniversary and he is always full of surprises. At around 7, he came to pick you up. When he saw you in your red dress, he was astonished and winked at you which h made you blushed. He waled closer to you and pulled close to him and then kissed you sweetly on the lips. You kissed back and soon it became a make out session. After 4 mins of kissing, he dragged you out,let you enter the car and drove for about half an hour. During the whole drive, you and Dana were chatting about weird topics. The thing that saddened you is that Dana hasn't wish you happy anniversary yet. After half an hour, you arrived at a huge fancy mansion. Dana helped you to get out and dragged you in. When you entered in, you were fascinated to see many different paintings, the design of the furniture and the texture of the wall and floor. Suddenly you felt someone behind you. You turned to see Will and Gabe dressed in waiter outfit. You looked at them eye-widened,preventing yourself from laughing. They led you to the dinning room which was gigantic. After you and Dana settled down for dinner, you were taken off by guard when you saw Cole entering in with food in his hand, dressed in cook outfit. He handed you and Dana  food and left. Afterwards you and Dana were chatting when suddenly you heard violin playing. Dana rushed to you and took you by the hand. He led you to the dance floor and you both started to slow dance. It was so magical!!!!!

After some minutes, he stopped dancing and instead knelt in front of you. He took off a box from his pocket and extended it towards you. He opened it to reveal a silver ring which he put in your finger.

- Sarah, this ring is only a promise ring as we are too young to get married.

Sarah I love you for the rest if my life!

You started to sob silently and you hugged him. Then you kissed him passionately. Suddenly you were interrupted by cheers from behind. You turned your head to see all the boys of im5 clapping. You blushed sightly which made Dana and the others to smile.


This is for Sarah ( a friend of Sarah)

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