Dana Vaughns is MINE

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Dedicated to @im5lover456

-Go away....I never want to see your face again...how dare you cheat on with my best friend, Laney!! We are breaking up!! Now go

Dana was speechless. His girlfriend, Amy is breaking up with him still he is silent!! Weird boy!!

He came and entered his car with you sitting beside him. You asked him If everything was alright and he told you the truth. After listening you felt upsamet and guilty. You were about to say something when suddenly he crashed his lips on yours.

You kissed back and soon it became a make out session.

Later,he pulled away and said

-Laney I always had a crush on you and it's a good thing that Amy broke up with me cuz now I can ask you this

Will you been me my girlfriend?

You were shocked but happy asnyiu also had a crush on him. You nodded and kissed him passionately.

Your couple lasted for many years until the day Dana asked you in marriage..

This is for Laney
Hope you like it!

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