My Koala In Shining Armor??

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Dedicated to @KatieGlen

You can't believe it! Your boyfriend, Cole and you jusy broke up!! I know what you're going to say 'Am I mad?'

And my answer is 'How can I stay with a man who has double affair!!!'

Yeah it's right! DOUBLE AFFAIR!!

it started when you were returning from school. You thought why not visit your beloved boyfriend?

So you took the direction of his house and soon you arrived there. Once inside, you saw Cole clothes lying on the floor. Curious you went to his room to see him making out with Jessica, your friend!! At that moment, all kinds of questions are popping in your head; how, what, why, for which purpose!!!

Slowly you felt tears steaming down your eyes. You yelled Cole loudly making Jessica and himself to turn around to see you!! When he saw you, he muttered shit and rushed to you naked!!!!

He tried to explain to you but instead you slapped him and ran away while yelling Dude, we are OVER!!!!!

once at your house, you rushed to your bed and cried until you felt tires and fell asleep. Suddenly you heard your phone buzzing. You picked it up to hear...Cole cracky voice!!

He told you to open the door and listened to him. You wanted to do not care about him but half of you wanted to so you went downstairs and opened the door. You saw him in a messy manner, his eyes red and puffy and his hands all red, pleading you.

You looked at with anger and fury but even though you listened to him. He told you that he was drunk so he didn't realize what he was doing!!

You looked at him with disgust as you are bored every time bearing the same excuse. So you pointed him to go out of your house as he was on the door step. He looked at you sadly and asked for one more chance but you said NO!! now get out!!!

He got out but stopped and leaned for a kiss but you dodged him and slammed the door on his face. Then the next moment you slid against the door and rested giur head on your knees while crying!!

Should I forgive him or not after all he did?? You thought to yourself...

Hi, this is for Kate!
So Kate, what would you choose to do??

->Don't forget to choose wisely!!

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