161. It's a Buggin' Girl- Part 7

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“Here, try this.” Newt motioned to a glass of dark amber liquid in his hand. 

Hours had passed since your encounter with Gally, and you were at ease. Time and time again Newt had proven to you that you were safe, so you decided to trust it. To trust him. 

What is it?” You asked once he’d settled down in your little corner of the bonfire. Isolated from the rest of the whooping and hollering, the two of you stared out into the empty Glade in front of you. 

“Try it and see.” He once again motioned towards the glass, and this time you took it, “If you’re poisoning me, I swear to god I’ll kill you.” 

Looking at him one last time, you put the cup to your lips and instantly felt a burn. 

“What the hell is that?!” You sputtered as it went down, you’d taken a big sip, but he just laughed, “Secret recipe, love.” 

He took the glass back, now half full, and gulped the rest of it down. You watched in awe as he swallowed, seemingly unaffected by the god awful drink, “Showoff.” 

A few minutes passed and this strange sensation washed over you. Silently staring at the Glade, everything was so peaceful. While at your back there were dozens of boys, still running wild around the fire, you couldn’t help but feel safe. Comfortable even. 

“You know something?” Newt’s voice distracted you from your thoughts.


He shrugged, “You’re different.” 

“Different how?” 

A pause, his eyes flicked from you to the empty landscape before him “You’re familiar.” 

Another wave of dejavu hit you like a truck; why did you know exactly what he was talking about? Something was so familiar, as he’d put it, that it scared you. It scared you so much you couldn’t breathe. If you two knew each other from before, what had he meant to you? And you to him? All of the questions made your head hurt, but you still couldn’t tear your gaze off him. 

He was staring at you now, both of your faces inching towards each other. Closer and closer you leaned in…. until you realized what you were doing. 

He was too close, you were too close.

Jerking away, you made your face emotionless, “You’re not familiar to me. I don’t know you at all.”  

“Yeah,” His expression turned nearly as stoney as your own, but his voice sounded hurt, “Let’s go to sleep. Everyone else has.” 

Your mind wandered back to the Slammer, and you went rigid, “I’m not going back in that hole.” 

You don’t have to,” He said quickly, nodding to a bunch of hammocks hanging near the Homestead, “You can have my bed for the time being.” 

“Okay, thanks” You mumbled, falling into a tense silence. 

What had just happened between the two of you? 

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now