Chapter 1

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Hooligans are not to be feared, but they are to be feared if they are cultured.

Master Sun pinched his curved white beard, swirling his writing brush, his slender legs beneath the long cyan robe swinging and bumping against the leg of the table, as this apt phrase popped into his mind. He thought if this were to be placed at the beginning of the biography of Jiangnan's wealthiest, it would perfectly encapsulate everything.

Yet, glancing at the glittering gold ingots on the table and recalling the mountain of gambling debts he owed, he tossed aside any semblance of a scholar's righteousness and integrity, flinging them far away.

His gaze followed the figure pacing around the room, a plump young man with hands clasped behind his back, feigning maturity. This youth, with a veneer of refinement, admired the calligraphy in his room, nodding and uttering sounds of agreement like "Hmm," and "Hmm?" or clicking his tongue in admiration.

Cold sweat broke out on Master Sun's forehead.

Ever since he became addicted to gambling, anything of value in his home had been sold off. There wasn't a single genuine piece of calligraphy left; all were forgeries he had copied himself. Anyone with a slight discernment could spot the fakes. Yet, this useless scion, truly a product of a ruffian's upbringing, lived up to his reputation as an idle wastrel, a complete glutton and drunkard. Regrettably, he was also Master Sun's major financier, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

Master Sun harbored both envy and resentment towards the Jin family. Why should such crude bandits enjoy immense wealth and honor, while he, with his towering intellect and vast learning, was reduced to making a living by writing biographies for gangsters? Taking on such work, which any self-respecting scholar would disdain, felt like a profound indignity to him.

He couldn't help but gaze more intently at those gold ingots, wishing he could swallow them whole as a panacea for his troubles.

Eventually, the wandering figure returned to his chair. He was dressed in top-quality silk, adorned with subtle dragon patterns, which, draped over his corpulent frame, only accentuated the comical contours of his chest and belly. As he prepared to sit, he made a show of casually flicking the hem of his robe, then plopped down with force.


The flimsy chair protested with an unceremonious groan.

Both of their expressions subtly shifted, but they quickly returned to normal.

With a beaming smile, Master Sun bowed slightly, "Ah, to have Young Master Jin grace my humble abode is to bring light to my thatched cottage. I've heard that Young Master Jin has been assisting your father and mother in managing businesses far and wide. To take time out of your busy schedule to visit here, I am truly flattered."

The one addressed as Young Master Jin felt quite pleased with this shower of praise, thinking to himself that scholars indeed have a keen eye for detail, recognizing his efforts in managing the family's vast enterprises.

"Cough cough, Master Sun, you've also been working hard. I've looked over the initial draft you completed a while ago on behalf of my father, and it's well-written, truly. But I just feel like..."

Master Sun leaned forward, eagerly waiting for his verdict.

"I just feel like... the part about me, I'm not particularly satisfied with it."

Master Sun let out a prolonged "Oh," then said, "But Young Master Jin, Master Jin had instructed me to write about the family's rise to wealth and their unique business strategies. At that time... you were still quite young."

Young Master Jin didn't look at him but slowly sipped the tea from the cup on the table, lazily smacking his lips, followed by a long sigh.

Enlightenment dawned on Master Sun, and with an exaggerated slap to his forehead, he exclaimed, "Look at me, becoming senile! I've heard that at Young Master Jin's birth, frost flew in August, the sun and moon shared the sky, auspicious clouds appeared, and all creatures celebrated..."

Young Master Jin cleared his throat with a loud "Ahem."

Master Sun continued, "The Jin family's ascendancy to the wealthiest in Jiangnan must be because Young Master Jin was destined for great wealth and honor. From the moment of your birth, the Jin family's fortunes soared, unstoppable like the sun at noon. Young Master Jin, you are truly born to nobility."

Young Master Jin nodded with a satisfied smile, saying, "You flatter me."

Master Sun glanced at the gold on the table and, steeling himself, went on to embellish further, "Not only were you born into wealth and privilege, but from a young age, you were also exceptionally bright and talented. At three, you were literate; at four, skilled in martial arts. By your coming of age, you had already captured the hearts of maidens far and wide. Now, you stand as a paragon of virtue and talent in the business world, clearly a chip off the old block!"

After delivering this last line with a shake of his head, Master Sun quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, inwardly cursing his own actions.

Young Master Jin's plump, fair face was split by a grin, his eyes crinkled into lines. "Master Sun, your literary talent is indeed boundless. Just a hint from me, and you've conjured up such an astonishing narrative. Not to boast, but I consider myself quite the catch, coming from a wealthy and influential family. It's just that the daughters of scholarly families in the vicinity seem to misunderstand us. Master Sun, your truthful depiction will help them see past their prejudices and... and... Heh heh... engage in refined pursuits with me, like reciting poetry, painting, moon gazing, snow watching, among other... cultured activities. Heh heh, let's go with that for the writing."

Master Sun inwardly spat in disdain. Which daughter of a reputable family would set her sights on this illiterate, gluttonous, lascivious, lazy good-for-nothing who had squandered his family's fortune? Even the Jin family's wealth, amassed by banditry and plundering, was well-known. To anyone aware of the Jin family's background, it was clear they were nothing but a den of thieves.

Unaware of Master Sun's inner turmoil, Young Master Jin, buoyed by the thought of his dashing image and illustrious family being immortalized in writing, imagined the adoration he would receive from beautiful maidens. He left Master Sun's residence in high spirits.

His servants, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, rushed up to him eagerly, "Young Master, how did it go?"

"Young Master, I just gave a little guidance, and the old man saw the light immediately."

Zhao Cai chuckled smugly, "Young Master, wasn't my idea brilliant?"

"Brilliant. You'll be rewarded with a pot of dog meat stew when we get back."

Zhao Cai's already long face stretched even further at the thought.

Young Master Jin laughed, "Just kidding. Look at you, so easily pleased. I'll increase your allowances instead."

Zhao Cai's face broke into a wide grin, and even Jin Bao, who usually spoke little, couldn't help but join in the laughter, "I wonder what sort of tale the old man will come up with."

Zhao Cai pinched him hard on the buttocks.

Jin Bao, catching the dark look on their master's face, swallowed his impending outcry.

Zhao Cai, trying to lighten the mood, pushed Jin Bao behind him, "Look at him, Young Master, with his foul mouth. What do you mean by 'make up'? The illustrious image of our Jin family's Young Master is well-known. Just ask anyone on the street about the eldest son of the wealthiest family in Jiangnan. He's quite the figure, right, Jin Bao?"

"Yes, yes," Jin Bao nodded, playing along.

Young Master Jin, easily appeased, kicked Jin Bao lightly and, without making a fuss, left with a smile.

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