Chapter 35

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Huan En stood idly in the courtyard, quietly observing a lush osmanthus covered tree within. The tree was adorned with tender yellow blossoms, resembling stars scattered across its branches, with many fallen flowers carpeting the ground beneath. The air was filled with the fragrance of osmanthus, intoxicating to some.

Despite the scene's delicate beauty, Huan En found no joy in it, feeling only a stifling oppression in his chest.

Throughout his life, nothing truly belonged to him, a fact he normally disregarded, for there was nothing he genuinely desired. The only aspiration he held was to escape the rigid teachings he had been subjected to, believing that freedom might reveal his true desires or ambitions. His father, who had given him life and raised him, expected Huan En to fulfill his own wishes in return. To Huan En, this settled any debts between them. The notion of avenging his mother, a woman he had never met and felt no connection to, was something he dismissed entirely. His father viewed him merely as a tool for his own personal use, they had no genuine affection or bond – He was his arm for revenge.

However, things seemed to have changed now. For the first time, Huan En found something that genuinely piqued his interest, something he wanted to grasp with his own hands.

His father, focused solely on removing any obstacles in the path of revenge, had never inspired such a feeling in Huan En until now – truly a dilemma.

Meanwhile, Xiao Bao, pondering over his choice of words, turned a corner only to be transfixed by the sight of a stunningly beautiful scene, as if rooted to the spot, unable to move.

The osmanthus trees clustered together, adorned with lush leaves interspersed with thriving tender yellow osmanthus flowers. The petals, delicate and petite, were appealingly soft and tender. Their fragrance was strong yet not overwhelming, clear and beautiful, refreshing the heart and soul. They had just started to bloom, and in a few days, the scent would become even more overpowering.

In the Jin Mansion, the osmanthus trees, all ancient, spread their lush branches and leaves, casting large shadows in the courtyard at noon. Through the light and shadows, one could glimpse the clustered, exquisite shapes of the osmanthus flowers.

A person stood under the tree, their profile outlined against it, their fairy-like sleeves fluttering, their hair silky as if woven from the finest threads. The slight tilt of their neck drew graceful, refined lines, their skin as pale as snow, and their pupils dark as ink. The expression in their eyes was cold, inspiring awe while simultaneously stirring hearts.

This year, the osmanthus flowers had bloomed earlier than usual. In the past, they would wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival. Xiao Bao felt that perhaps they had bloomed early for Huan En's sake.

Historically, Li Qingzhao had praised the osmanthus, saying there was no need for any other colors when the osmanthus was the finest among flowers. In Xiao Bao's eyes, Huan En was unmatched in beauty and excellence in literature, strategy, and martial arts, truly one in a million. Among all the stunning beauties in the world, Huan En was indeed the finest.

Being so intimately connected with someone like Huan En made Xiao Bao sometimes doubt if he was dreaming. If not for his misfortune turning into a blessing and seizing the opportunity early, Huan En might not have even given him a second glance to this day.

Huan En slowly turned his head under the tree, his deep eyes staring unblinkingly at him.

After their last meeting ended on a sour note, Xiao Bao felt somewhat awkward. He thought it best to please him right from the start, so with a dream-like expression, he said, "Huan En, you are truly beautiful."

Huan En, whose face had been expressionless, suddenly scowled, shot him a sharp look, and coldly retorted, "Superficial."

Even though Xiaobao wasn't the brightest, he realized he had overstepped with his flattery, making the situation even more awkward.

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