Chapter 16

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The moment Xiao Bao regained consciousness, he felt like his body had been trampled by ten raging bulls, every inch of it throbbing with pain.

Grimacing and groaning in agony, he lay still on the bed, afraid to move a muscle. The mere thought of his injuries made him break out in a cold sweat, intensifying the pain, especially at the back, searing hot and reaching all the way to his forehead. No wonder he had to lie face down to sleep. He even doubted if he could ever bow properly again in the future. Damn it, was that place even meant to be used like that?!

Twenty years' worth of vulgar curses churned in his chest, cursing Huai'en's ancestors to the eighth generation.

"You damn deceitful bastard, ungrateful!! I swear I won't rest until I avenge this!!"

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Bao's mind spun with malicious ideas, contemplating how to deal with that despicable bastard who violated him. Of course, the most satisfying revenge would be to do the same back, to regain some dignity, and... despite his revulsion at the thought of self-castration, his brain shamelessly recalled Huai'en's enchanting allure... it was just... ohhh... too thrilling, too enticing... impossible to forget... Damn it, he wouldn't be a man if he didn't give it back to you at least once!!

Lost in his fantasies of how to overpower and strip Huai'en, Xiao Bao's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the creak of the door opening.

Startled, Xiao Bao laboriously turned his head to look at the doorway.

Entering the room was a young woman clad in a lake-green muslin dress, her glossy black hair casually tied up in a bun at the back of her head. She wore minimal jewelry, and her attire was simple, yet it exuded a subtle sensuality and mature charm.

Normally, if Xiao Bao encountered such a graceful and seductive beauty, his soul would have practically left his body, and he would have eagerly approached her with a smile. But given the current situation, seeing a woman, especially such a beautiful woman, darken Xiao Bao's expression by half.

Was she the one who had been taking care of him all this time? Then, behind him... in this state... had he exposed everything to a young lady...

Even Xiao Bao, shameless as he was, now felt a pang of embarrassment, damn it all.

Seeing his unattractive expression, the young woman also felt a twinge of concern despite her vast experience as a healer. As soon as she entered the room and saw Xiao Bao's discomfort, both of them felt incredibly awkward.

But Xiao Bao quickly regained his composure, "Uh... Sister... where is this?"

"Oh... Mr. Jin, you're finally awake. You've been unconscious for three days. This is the residence of our young master in Wujiang Prefecture."

"What? Wujiang Prefecture? Why am I here?"

"It was Lord Youying who followed the clues to rescue you and the young master."

Xiao Bao's face flushed instantly, wishing he could just bash his head against something and end it all.

He had no idea what happened to Huai'en afterwards. All he knew was that he had passed out from pain, woken up in pain, passed out again, and it had happened over and over countless times, with Huai'en always there... never stopping... It was like a nightmare. He had brought this upon himself, damned unlucky, trying to steal a chicken only to lose the rice. The deed was done, and even if he regretted it to the core of his being, he couldn't change anything. He blamed his unfortunate fate and his poor luck for encountering such a calamitous star. It was bearable, but having those unfortunate events exposed so nakedly... it was truly devastating.

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