Chapter 34

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Xiaobao couldn't figure out what he did to offend him, as for several days in a row, he stayed locked up in his room without making a sound.

Xiaobao was aware of his peculiar temperament, somewhat childlike at heart. Despite his harsh words, Xiaobao couldn't bring himself to blame him, especially since these past few days he had been preoccupied with matters concerning his father, leaving him no time to seek him out.

Finally, by a mix of threats and incentives, Xiaobao managed to move the most renowned physician from Suzhou to the Jin residence. Not stopping there, he also purchased many expensive medicinal herbs. Yet, he felt it wasn't enough. He decided to personally visit Yuxia to consult with Doctor Zhang for more effective remedies for his father, hoping to bring him back if possible.

Xiaobao shared his plan with Lady Jin, who fully supported the idea, advising him to take several maids and servants for the journey to Yuxia, which would take about half a month round trip, or at least seven to eight days of continuous travel. Xiaobao, however, refused to take additional people, seeing it as a waste of time. Lady Jin, unable to persuade him otherwise, reluctantly agreed, feeling reassured and proud that her son had grown up and become sensible.

Originally, Xiaobao intended to only take Zhao Cai and Jin Bao with him, but then he thought about the recent spark of warmth between him and Huan En. Fearing that taking a break of ten days to a half month might cool things down, he came up with the idea to invite Huan En along.

Huan En, skilled in martial arts and efficient in handling matters, would not only help save time, but the trip also presented an opportunity for the two to spend days together in solitude. Taking a shortcut through Yuxia would mean traveling through remote and rugged terrains, especially to reach Doctor Zhang's residence in the mountains. The journey alone, with much time spent in the company of just each other, would be an excellent chance for their relationship to develop and heat up. If he didn't seize this moment, it might be too late upon their return.

Xiaobao saw this as killing two birds with one stone. Bringing Zhao Cai and Jin Bao along would only lead to incessant nagging about meal and sleep schedules, and the insistence on not overexerting or trusting strangers. While in peaceful and affluent areas, their preferences might prevail, but in remote places like Yuxia, it was essential to heed their advice. His previous experience in Yuxia was frustrating and time-consuming.

Xiaobao felt himself to be exceptionally clever.

However, considering that Huan En had been shut in for the past few days, Xiaobao wondered if Huan En would even pay attention to him.

Thus, he first shared his thoughts with Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, only to encounter the most intense opposition he had ever faced.

"No way! Young Master! Absolutely not! That person's background is unknown. Unless you incapacitate us, as long as we can move, Jin Bao and I will never allow you to go out alone, not to mention going on a long journey. Even stepping out alone is out of the question."

Xiaobao was infuriated by this, "Why are you so stubborn? Huan En and I are on good terms now. He must have his reasons for not sharing his background. If he wanted to harm me, I would have been dead many times over."

Jin Bao shook his head like a rattle, knowing his young master was always willful and insisted on getting his way, which made him truly anxious, "Young Master, it's absolutely not possible. Young Master Su said that Huan En is not a good person..."

Zhao Cai interrupted, "Jin Bao!"

Jin Bao, realizing his slip, deeply regretted why he always misspoke.

Xiaobao frowned, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Cai hurriedly said, "Young Master Su told us that Huan En is not a good person, that's all we know."

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