Chapter 59

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"Prince Shen tilted his head and looked at Xiao Bao for a moment, smiling faintly. 'You've probably guessed it already. Yes, that child is the offspring of Xue Damei and my second brother. Xue Guifei's beauty and grace are truly remarkable. I've never seen a woman more captivating than her in my entire life. Even Huai'en doesn't compare to her. But enough about that.

You and he have a little secret, and I happen to know all about it. Without you, he wouldn't have succeeded so smoothly. Your father's hidden treasures in the mountain cave were long emptied by him.

The confiscated loot from the court is just a drop in the ocean. The Jin family is exceptionally wealthy...'

'Why am I telling you all this today? You must be curious. Well, I do have a purpose.' Prince Shen paused and pulled something out from his robe. 'Soon, you'll have a chance to see your beloved. Now it depends on whether you're willing to seize that opportunity.'

Xiao Bao stared blankly at the object in Prince Shen's hand. It was an exquisite sandalwood box, small enough to fit in his palm. He glanced back at Prince Shen.

'In a way, you should be pleased about this matter. You're all prisoners now, yet you're treated so well. Do you really think it's all thanks to your father?'

'Heh, your father became immensely wealthy in recent years, but that brings both joy and trouble. Once he falls from grace, countless people will line up to punish your family. You're sitting comfortably here now, but my clever nephew has put a lot of effort into ensuring that.'

'But don't be too moved. My nephew has his own shrewd reasons for keeping you alive. As for those reasons, you'll have to ask your father. Find out where he's hidden the valuable things.'

Mr. Jin remained calm, not uttering a word.

'Rest assured, I'm not interested in what you've left behind. But Huai'en is certainly intrigued. So, he'll come to rescue you. Xiao Bao,' Prince Shen extended the small box toward him, 'when you see him, place what's inside this box on his person. You're the only one with this opportunity—it's your sole chance. After it's done, I'll arrange for you all to escape and live peacefully for the rest of your lives. How does that sound?'

Xiao Bao stared at the wooden box for a long moment. 'What is this?'

'An elixir. It can only be opened when needed. Place the small object inside on exposed skin or even in his hair. It's simple. Just don't touch it; it won't harm you. Xiao Bao, this is your opportunity.' Prince Shen's voice was beguiling as he gently pressed the box into Xiao Bao's trembling hand. The seemingly lightweight box felt like a thousand pounds.

"Xiao Bao, don't hesitate. Your current situation is a result of your father's actions. You're merely using the same methods to deal with him. Once you succeed, you can take your parents and escape to a life of comfort. Do you really want all three of you to face execution together?"

Xiao Bao glanced back at his parents, then tucked the box into his pocket.

"Good," praised Prince Shen. "Given the misdeeds committed by your family, I'm already quite angry. But I'm willing to offer you a chance at redemption. Cherish it."

Prince Shen stood up, took a step back, and said, "Rest well. In three days, you'll be on your way. Success or failure depends on you, Xiao Bao."

As Xiao Bao was about to ask where they were headed, Prince Shen turned and left silently, just as he had arrived.

Clutching the object in his pocket, Xiao Bao felt his mind go blank. Concentrating was unexpectedly difficult.

Everything had veered off course. He didn't know where they would be taken or whether he should go along.

The prison cell fell into prolonged silence. The heavy air thickened in the dim confines, making it hard to breathe.

Suddenly, the oppressive atmosphere shattered. Footsteps and the sound of wheels approached—an obvious sign of someone's approach. The three of them had been brought here unconscious, and upon waking, they could only see a dim corner. They had no idea where they were held or where their captors came from.

They stared at the corner, puzzled. A group of people gradually drew near. Sure enough, someone in a wheelchair was being carefully pushed forward, the most distinguished figure among them.

The person in the wheelchair appeared young but had a sickly pallor. His thin chin held a touch of malevolence, and his mouth curved in an excited smile. His eyes gleamed with malice. He spoke with trembling enthusiasm, affecting an arrogant tone, "Young Master Jin, it's been many years. Do you remember me?"

Xiao Bao looked at him, struggling to recall who this person was and their connection. The hatred in the man's expression was unmistakable. As Xiao Bao's gaze shifted downward, he noticed an abnormal bulge in the man's knee beneath his robe. Xiao Bao's eyes widened in realization.

Meanwhile, the elderly Mr. and Mrs. Jin were already too terrified to speak.

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