Chapter 115

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"I'll take a look. Hmm, it's healing well, not bad. You'll probably be jumping around by the time we get to Dali." Xiaobao rebandaged him, smiling with satisfaction.

The two of them were lying in the carriage, swaying all the way to Dali.

Huai En moved his arm indifferently. "It'll be fine soon."

"When I found you back then, it was really... sigh, if not for Que Siming..."

Huai En frowned. "Even without him, I wouldn't have died." As long as you came to find me.

Xiaobao smirked, "Don't brag. You were short of breath and low on energy. If we had been any later... any later..." Xiaobao still felt lingering fear as he spoke. He couldn't bear to recount the scene, and the fear and despair were things he never wanted to experience again in his life.

Huai En patted his face and whispered, "I won't die."

Xiaobao nodded, suddenly hugging his waist and rubbing his face against his chest. "We've had enough. Let's never do such risky things again and just live our lives."

Huai En smiled faintly, stroking Xiaobao's hair and grunted in agreement.

As long as this person was by his side in this life, it was enough. Heaven had treated him fairly well. No matter how many hardships and pains he had endured, as long as he could end up like this, peacefully together, nothing else mattered.

Huai En relaxed and lay back on the soft bedding, pinching Xiaobao's face and furrowing his brows. "Xiaobao, you've lost weight."

"Ah, yeah, I even have collarbones now. Look." Xiaobao pulled at his collar to show him.

Huai En chuckled, "You were chubby."


"Yes, you look good when you're chubby... It's comfortable to hug."

Xiaobao nodded in agreement, "I think so too. Men look more imposing when they're a bit chubby. But now that I've lost weight, I feel much lighter... No, didn't you used to complain that I was like a dead pig?"

Huai En chuckled and rolled over, climbing on top of him. "When did I ever? You still hold grudges."

"I remember everything. I told you, and you thought I was weak. I said you were even worse, and now you're rushing to make up with me."

Huai En's usually icy eyes were warm and gentle at this moment, completely different from before.

He shifted his body, brought his mouth close to Xiaobao's lips, and licked them. "You can have whatever you want."

These days, they rarely had time alone. Now, with no one around, their intimacy in the carriage felt a bit off.

Xiaobao unconsciously licked his lips and kissed him back, murmuring, "It tastes really good."

Huai En chuckled at his sneaky expression, lowering his head to gently suck on Xiaobao's lips. His agile tongue opened Xiaobao's teeth, intertwining with his slippery tongue. Xiaobao actively cooperated, tilting his chin up as they kissed deeper. A silver thread slipped slowly along their lips, the heat between their lips and teeth almost igniting the entire space. What started as a simple kiss gradually became more intense. Their faces flushed, their bodies involuntarily twisting to get closer, the scent of desire filling the space.

Xiao Bao, breathing heavily in the midst of their tangled lips and teeth, asked, "Can you... do it... the wound isn't healed yet..."

Huai En deftly unfastened his belt, intending to prove it with actions.

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