Chapter 55

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Xiaobao was caught off guard for a moment, unable to recall even half of the explanation he had prepared. All he could do was look at Huai En with a mix of guilt, grievance, and hope.

Unfortunately, in a test of endurance, Xiaobao was clearly no match. Under Huai En's relentless gaze, he admitted defeat completely and walked over with a stiff body, lowering his head and softly speaking in a pleading tone, "Are you still mad at me?"

Huai En didn't speak, continuing to scrutinize him with a probing look.

"I was really hurt that day... You were really harsh. Why couldn't you just listen to my explanation?"

This remark somehow struck a nerve with Huai En, who suddenly became angry, "You dare bring up that day!"

Xiaobao grabbed his sleeve in a hurry, saying, "You can't wrong me like this. I didn't do anything. I went to Boss Liu's house to get a therapeutic diet recipe for my dad. Who knew they were all there? I couldn't face them; I didn't want to go. I was planning to just have a drink and then come back..."

Huai En shook off his hand with a flick, coldly saying, "You didn't do anything, wasn't it because I arrived early?"

Xiaobao's eyes reddened, "You don't trust me at all. I know I had a bad reputation before, but now my heart only has you. How can you not listen to my explanation for this kind of thing... Why must you... Why is your heart so cruel?"

Huai En endured and endured, but his hand seemed to act on its own, slapping Xiaobao to the ground with a backhand and stepping on his chest, shouting angrily, "It's your own fault for being cheap, and you blame me for being cruel. It's your luck I didn't strangle you!!! Do you think after you've lain with other women, I should still sit down and have a long chat with you!! Is this the first time you realize I can be cruel? You have the audacity to play me, how come you don't have the guts to face the consequences!!! You want to enjoy your flings, I'll let you have it!! Take your sweet nothings and so-called true heart and feed them to the dogs!!!"

Huai En was so angry that he clenched his fists in his sleeves, his nails digging into his flesh without him even noticing. He knew he had to leave before he lost all reason.

This was the most Huai En had ever spoken to Xiaobao since they met, and it was also the most devastating for him. He felt as if the world was collapsing around him, he had to grab onto something. Before his brain could catch up, his hands were already clinging to Huai En's legs as he attempted to leave.

As Huai En's anger surged, his movements paused, and looking down, he shouted, "What are you doing, let go!!"

Xiaobao clung to his legs, refusing to let go, crying and saying, "Huai En, I was wrong, don't go, I won't say anything anymore, it's all my fault, don't be angry with me, don't go, I won't dare anymore, I'll listen to everything you say, don't leave."

Xiaobao's tears flowed down his cheeks to his mouth, his speech becoming more and more indistinct, and increasingly pitiful.

He had already grown accustomed to being shameless in front of Huai En, so one more time made no difference. What of losing face, what of dignity, to hell with all that. If those things were of any use, would he find himself in such misery? If Huai En were to leave him, he'd have nothing left to want. Keeping face, what's the use? Just the thought of Huai En leaving him, no longer paying him any attention, felt like a knife twisting in his heart. The bits and pieces of their relationship were all fought for through his shameless persistence. He wasn't made of stone, of course, he knew the shame, knew the heartache, but that was all he knew. Even a smile from Huai En was enough to make him forget everything. Thus, he believed he must have been cursed, possessed; he was always this useless. His life was now in this person's hands, and yet, that person remained heartless. What else could he do but to offer his heart and soul?

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