Chapter 71

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During the acupuncture, thanks to the support of anesthesia, Xiao Bao didn't suffer too much; he only sweated profusely, soaking the bed.

After the anesthesia wore off, the itchiness around the joints was unbearable, but it was much more tolerable compared to the excruciating pain of "ice and fire." Xiao Bao even considered asking Que Siming if anesthesia could be used if the pain recurred.

Que Siming, neurotically wiping down everything Xiao Bao had touched with a pungent disinfectant, disdainfully retorted, "Doing that, you’d become an idiot before you become paralyzed." He paused, then added, "Actually, there's not much difference between the two."

Seeing Xiao Bao's flushed face, he could clearly sense Que Siming's disdain. If it were the old him, he would have thrown a tantrum at the slightest discomfort; a major upset like this would have had him "raising the roof."* Now, however, he was much calmer, especially since his life was in Que Siming's hands, leaving him no room to defy him.

Although the effects of the medicine had faded, Xiao Bao still felt groggy and extremely uncomfortable. Su Yin simply activated his sleep acupoint to let him rest, then glared at Que Siming, saying, "I know you’re not pleased to be dragged all the way from Miaojiang, but you said you owed me, so fulfill your debt."

Que Siming, frustrated, threw the cloth in his hand to the ground. "Su Yin, you really overstep your bounds and have no manners. I’ve been busy all day; what more do you want?"

"I want you to stay," Su Yin bluntly stated without blinking an eye.

Que Siming laughed in anger, "You really don’t see me as an outsider, do you? Stay for what? Do you have a great Dali fever? Even a supreme deity couldn’t save him."

"But I feel more at ease with you here, and Xiao Bao might suffer less."

Que Siming sarcastically replied, "What do I care? I agreed to treat him, but without the materials, I can’t proceed, so it’s not my responsibility. You think I'm idle?"

Su Yin stood up, "Just stay one winter, until the spring."

"No deal," Que Siming coldly said.

"Name your price," insisted Su Yin.

Before Que Siming could respond, a knock interrupted them. Su Yin, glancing at the now-sleeping Xiao Bao, whispered, "Come in."

It was Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, whom Su Yin had sent to escort the elderly Jin couple to Jingxia Temple for prayers. He had already spoken with the abbot to try to persuade the couple to stay, to appear more natural if needed.

The two entered, bowed, and Zhao Cai said, "Young Master Su, my master and madam have returned. The abbot kept persuading them to stay for a recuperation, mentioning their bond with the Buddha. They are tempted but said they would like to discuss it with you first."

Su Yin nodded in satisfaction, "Good, once Xiao Bao wakes up, we’ll go over. You go ahead…"

Before he could finish, a dark figure swiftly moved past him, stopping right in front of Zhao Cai and Jin Bao. Before they could react, Que Siming had already grabbed Jin Bao by the collar and clamped his other hand on his chin.

Zhao Cai, shocked, raised his hand to strike but was stopped by a gesture from Su Yin, "Be polite, this is Doctor Que."

Zhao Cai, realizing the name was their last hope, looked puzzled at the grim, tall man with curly long hair and a sinister mask, holding Jin Bao motionless, his face turning red.

Jin Bao, hearing Su Yin's voice, was too scared to move, fearing offending the man who might be his young master's last hope. He couldn't understand what he had done to warrant such treatment from the menacing gaze coming from the two skull eyes of the mask.

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