Chapter 53

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Huai En released his pent-up frustration by forcefully colliding with the person beneath him, as if trying to transmit his anger through this rough method. Xiao Bao couldn't endure it and soon lost consciousness.

This coerced sexual encounter brought little pleasure to Huai En; instead, it inflicted pain on both parties.

Xiao Bao's pained, tear-streaked face and the blood covering his lower body left Huai En feeling a sourness in his eyes and a splitting headache. He knew Xiao Bao was suffering, and that's precisely what he intended—to make him endure. Huai En didn't want pleas for mercy, explanations, or promises. Xiao Bao had always been outspoken, saying whatever came to mind. Huai En didn't trust any of it now; he simply aimed to impart a lesson, one unforgettable enough to deter similar thoughts in the future.

He couldn't fathom how he had become like this today, how unusually he was behaving. He was grappling with emotions he had never experienced before: anger, sadness, and a sense of injustice. One moment he uttered pleasing promises, the next he indulged in revelry. Was he the only one taking it seriously? Why should he hesitate for someone like this, feeling so uncertain for someone like this?

Withdrawing his limp member, Huai En felt only exhaustion—a weary body, an even wearier heart, yet a clearer mind.

He had never realized that sex without reciprocation would leave him feeling like this—physically sated yet emotionally vacant. No matter how many times he took possession, it was never enough, wholly insufficient. The person beneath him should have been smiling, whispering sweet words, willingly embracing and kissing him, making sounds that sent shivers down his spine, instead of lying there devoid of life, consumed by pain.

The rage gradually cooled down as Huai En looked at the disheveled and battered Xiao Bao, eventually feeling a tinge of regret.

Before this, he never intended to hurt him. He knew Xiao Bao was delicate, unlike him, unable to endure hardship or pain. Yet, he couldn't control his rampant anger, and this was also brought upon by Xiao Bao himself. He shouldn't have angered him; no one could survive after provoking him. He had triggered an unprecedented fury in him, but he still couldn't bring himself to be harsher, resorting to this method of punishment instead.

But he clearly forgot again that Xiao Bao was different from him. Even his restrained punishment might not be something Xiao Bao could withstand, hence he began to regret.

There was still some warm tea on the table. Huai En tore a piece from the shirt he had shredded off Xiao Bao, soaked it in tea, and gently wiped Xiao Bao's lower body.

Xiao Bao frowned and hummed in discomfort, causing Huai En to quickly press his sleep point, unsure of how to face him now.

After cleaning his body and applying the medicine he always carried with him, Huai En pulled a quilt from the inner room, wrapped Xiao Bao from head to toe, and carried him downstairs.

The entire Yicui Building was now a mess, almost completely ruined. Many people lay haphazardly in the hall, with a group huddled in a corner surrounded by his men. Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, who arrived later, curled up on the ground, while Zuo Ying stood in the center of the hall, watching his master carrying someone slowly down the stairs, with You Ying standing beside him.

Upon seeing Huai En, a trace of embarrassment flashed across You Ying's face, and he bowed, saying, "Young master, I just arrived today."

Huai En nodded, without expressing much.

Hearing the noise, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao both opened their eyes, their eyes red and baring their teeth at Huai En in a roar. Both were obviously hit in their major acupoints, unable to move or make a sound, but their fierce expressions made it clear they wished to tear Huai En apart.

Huai En calmly said, "He's fine. Instead of thinking about revenge on me, you might want to consider how to keep these people quiet."

In the half-hour of sudden chaos that descended from the skies, not only was most of the Yicui Building demolished, but also everyone present was stunned by Huai En's fury. He had long forgotten where his anger had started, and even if he remembered, he wouldn't care. The door had been kicked in by him early on. Although the people couldn't see it, the sounds from beginning to end, from the timid pleas for mercy to angry shouts, and then to the later cries and the sound of physical impact, were heard clearly by those downstairs. There wasn't a single person present who didn't understand what that meant.

The people of Yicui Building and the guests present, none of whom were unaware of the eldest young master of the Jin family. One could say the entire city of Suzhou knew of him, and his romantic escapades could compile a volume. The incident that just occurred had them so shaken that they hadn't come back to their senses yet.

Zhao Cai, Jin Bao, and the shadows, Zuo and You, were already aware of their relationship. And from Feng Chuan all the way back, they also knew how Jin Xiao Bao and Huai En "divided the labor."

However, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao couldn't accept their young master being publicly humiliated and tormented. Their young master had been the apple of everyone's eye since childhood, never before had anyone dared to treat him this way.

Zuo and You shadows, along with Huai En's other subordinates, couldn't accept that their always calm, self-contained, and nearly heartless young master would behave like a jealous spouse or a wife who catches her husband in a brothel, running amok in a brothel with jealousy, and publicly saying those words, doing those things...

Everyone present was more or less petrified, only Huai En appeared nonchalant on the surface, ordering Zuo shadow to stay behind for cleanup, and You shadow to prepare the carriage.

Huai En looked down at the person wrapped into a bundle in his arms, only seeing the forehead that was slightly visible and hearing the heavy breathing. He held him like this, waiting for the carriage, his arms beginning to ache, but he didn't want to let go.

The carriage stopped at the door, and outside, a crowd of onlookers had already gathered, waiting to see the commotion. Zuo and You shadows hurriedly dispersed the crowd. Huai En carefully placed Xiao Bao on the carriage and, before getting on, he whispered to Zuo and You shadow, "Proceed with the plan on the third day of next month, make all preparations, there must be no mistakes."

Both were slightly stunned, then simultaneously affirmed.

Huai En got on the carriage, pulled down the curtain, and slowly lifted the quilt covering Xiao Bao's face, watching him all the way.

The person who usually smiled carefreely was now pale with swollen eyes, his eyebrows still knotted in sleep, and his face marked with dried tears.

Huai En was indifferent to people's appearances, whether they were good-looking or not. He only knew that he liked to look at Xiao Bao's face, and he liked to look at other parts of Xiao Bao too, despite there being too many aspects of him that were not to his liking and that he couldn't tolerate. Yet, he still liked him.

Perhaps he was wrong from the beginning. He shouldn't have expected Xiao Bao, who was not outstanding in conduct, talent, or any aspect, to interact with him as he hoped, and to live the life he expected. He just needed to have him firmly in his grasp, to make him obedient, to make him listen, to make him only able to stay by his side. That would be enough.

Jin Xiao Bao, you shouldn't have provoked me. Since you did, you have no chance to regret it in this lifetime. It was your choice, and you can't afford to regret it. If you can't control yourself, it's okay, I'll do it for you. You could be fearless because you relied on the wealth of the Jin family, but I will make sure you have nothing, ensure you have no capital to provoke anyone ever again, and make you rely solely on me from now on.

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