Chapter 108

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Huai En never expected that he would set foot on Jinqi Mountain in his lifetime.

Not only did he come, but he also took someone away from here, someone whom Zongzheng Yuzhan cherished and valued greatly.

In order to get Zongzheng Lihan to find the last Red Demon Flower for him, he made a deal with several long-time infiltrators in the palace, causing Zongzheng Yuzhan to suffer heavy losses. Now, coming over to snatch someone away, if discovered, it would definitely result in a bloody battle.

Huai En gripped his sword, his eyes filled with complicated changes.

In any case, he must bring that girl back... It would be easier to kill her and frame the Orthodox Sect, besides, that little girl's thoughts about Xiaobao are unusual...

But if she dies, Xiaobao will definitely be very sad.

Huai En sighed, his slender figure flashed, disappearing into the night.

Xiao Yu suddenly opened her eyes, grabbing the sword beside her pillow.

In the more than a year that she had stayed on Jinqi Mountain, her skill had improved greatly. Compared to what the Jin family's martial artists had taught her before which was simply child's play. Although she was in a daze, her alertness was extremely high, and she immediately sensed that someone had entered her bedroom.

The intruder, moving silently, was undoubtedly a skilled individual. Xiao Yu closed her eyes again, her nerves on edge.

The figure seemed to pause by the bed, leaving Xiao Yu uncertain of his intentions, increasing her tension.

Suddenly, a clear, cold voice filled her ears.

"Open your eyes."

Xiao Yu complied, swiftly rolling off the bed and, with a swift motion, positioning her sword across her chest.

In the moonlight, the person was clad in black, with a striking appearance and a demeanor as cold as ice, revealing himself to be Zongzheng Huai En, who was missing for several months!

Gripping her sword tightly, Xiao Yu squinted at him. "It's you."

Huai En used his sword to lift the clothes off the hanger and tossed them to Xiao Yu. "Put these on. I'm taking you away."

"Where to?"


Xiao Yu raised an eyebrow, trying to mask her emotions, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of joy followed by immediate suspicion. "Did my brother send you?"

"Indeed. Let's not waste time, hurry up."

Xiao Yu hesitated. "How can I trust you?"

Huai En retrieved something from his pocket and tossed it to her.

Upon inspection, Xiao Yu found a deformed grasshopper, immediately welling up with tears.

Trembling, she dropped her sword, hastily donned the clothes, stuffed the grasshopper into her pocket, and, after pacing around the room in uncertainty, finally approached the bed, grabbed her sword, and spoke in a low voice, "I needn't bring anything, let's go."

Observing her tear-filled eyes, Huai En couldn't help but recall Xiaobao's expression when crafting this grasshopper. He contemplated ending this little girl's life with one swift strike, to prevent future troubles.

Xiao Yu glared at him, her voice low, "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

Huai En wordlessly embraced her waist, silently leaping out the window, swiftly disappearing into the night.

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