Chapter 10

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Two inexperienced individuals, wandering aimlessly like headless flies in the vast forest, after several hours, their voices hoarse from shouting, still only heard their own echoes.

The path up the mountain became increasingly difficult, horses couldn't ascend anymore, so they had to proceed on foot.

Xiao Bao, a pampered young master who had always been carried even for a trip to the outhouse as a child, had never experienced such hardship before. He hadn't eaten all night, feeling exhausted, hungry, and anxious, his surroundings starting to blur.

Finally reaching his limit, he collapsed under a tree.

Zhaocai Jinbao was frightened, "Young Master... What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Bao, his voice hoarse, murmured, "I'm... so hungry..." His stomach grumbled in protest.

Zhaocai Jinbao sighed, "Master, rest here for a while. I'll go find something to fill your stomach."

Xiao Bao lay motionless on the ground, his head resting against the tree trunk, resembling a corpse, his voice weak, "Okay... Be careful on the road..."

Zhaocai Jinbao, a true martial artist, despite his hoarse throat, showed no signs of fatigue, stepping confidently, making the broken twigs and leaves crunch under his feet.

"We must have meat!!" Xiao Bao shouted with all his remaining strength towards the direction Zhaocai Jinbao disappeared, then succumbed to drowsiness.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of twigs and leaves being stepped on again. Xiao Bao, oblivious to the concept of time slipping away, didn't even lift his eyelids as he asked, "You're back so soon?"

No response came. Xiao Bao sniffed but didn't detect any aroma of meat; instead, there was a strong smell of blood.

Wide-eyed with horror, Xiao Bao struggled to focus his gaze. Before him stood a blurry figure covered in blood, disheveled hair, holding a broken sword, swaying as it approached. In Xiao Bao's vision, it still appeared sideways, resembling the undead creatures from ghost stories.

Xiao Bao screamed and leaped up from the ground, bouncing away, "No no no no no, don't come any closer..."

With each step the "undead" took forward, Xiao Bao retreated three steps, trembling. Finally, he remembered he had a sword and quickly drew it out.

It was an extraordinary sword, its price inflated to a hundred thousand silver taels back in the day, yet Xiao Bao bought it without hesitation. Unfortunately, like the fine horse he owned, it was squandered on a wasteful master who never brought out their true potential. It was truly a waste of precious resources.

But if he didn't flaunt the best and most expensive things, how could he prove his wealth? Xiao Bao was well-versed in the art of ostentation, understanding that the pinnacle of nouveau riche was showing off! 

Now, that extraordinary sword was trembling in the hands of an amateur, pointed shakily at the "undead," trembling and shaking all over, repeatedly warning it to stay away.

The "undead" suddenly stumbled, dropping heavily to one knee, narrowly catching itself with the broken sword to prevent further collapse.

Seeing it genuinely struggling, Xiao Bao turned to run away.

"You... wait..."

He was still alive.

Xiao Bao thought for a moment. This person was severely injured, so he couldn't pose a threat to him, and there was a high chance he was an enemy of my wife. He should take this opportunity to interrogate him about the whereabouts of my wife.

"You're... Jin Xiao Bao..."

Xiao Bao turned back with a hint of surprise, "How do you know?" Then he realized, his reputation as the renowned and elegant young master of Suzhou City was widely known, so there was no need to ask again.

"Hurry... hurry and save my mistress..."

"Your mistress? Is it... Huai En?"

"Yes... hurry..." The man tremblingly pointed in a direction.

Xiao Bao cautiously approached, "Are you... about to die..."

The man's blood-stained face twisted into an ugly smile, "Pretty much... stop talking... hurry..."

Xiao Bao pulled out a porcelain bottle from his inner garment, "This is a top-quality wound medicine from the Western Regions. I don't have time to apply it for you while I go save your mistress. My servants will be here soon to help you. Tell them to bring more people. Since you can still talk so much, there's still hope for you. I'm leaving, hold on, hold on!!!" He dashed off towards the direction the man had indicated.

Watching him gradually disappear, the man's body finally sank slowly.

Xiao Bao was already exhausted, but the prospect of possibly finding Huai En immediately revitalized him. He summoned all his strength and sprinted deeper into the woods.

After more than fifteen minutes of running, he noticed the tracks on the ground becoming more pronounced. Further ahead, the surrounding trees were significantly damaged. He knew he was on the right track.

Although he wanted to rush over immediately, his strength was insufficient. The brief burst of energy had left him drained, making it impossible for his body to move at will. He gritted his teeth against the unbearable soreness in his legs and continued to move forward, the sounds of fighting growing louder.

Xiao Bao's heart pounded wildly.

He didn't know if... she was okay... if she was severely injured...

Xiao Bao cautiously approached following the sounds.

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