Chapter 79

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“Xiaobao, Xiaobao.”

In a daze, it seemed as though someone was calling him, the voice fluctuating—sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent, now close at hand, now far away.

Xiaobao struggled to open his eyes, gradually coming to his senses, only to see a face full of anxiety before him—it was Su Yin.

Upon seeing Xiaobao awake, Jinbao immediately rushed to his bedside.

Xiaobao opened his mouth, feeling his throat dry and sore, barely able to make a sound.

Jinbao quickly took a cup of water from the table, supporting Xiaobao as he sipped it slowly.

The warm water slid down his throat like fire, painful yet relieving.

After drinking, Xiaobao grabbed Su Yin's sleeve, his voice rough, “How long… have I been asleep…”

Su Yin pursed his lips, “A day and a night.” His eyes were rimmed red, having lost weight over the past few months. The always suave and effortlessly elegant Su Yin now seemed to carry an air of irritability and ferocity, looking like a wild beast ready to pounce and tear his enemies to shreds. The source of his deep resentment, Zong Zheng Huai’en, managed to hurt Xiaobao time and again right under his watch. Beyond heartache, he felt ashamed; this was the greatest defeat of his twenty years, and his sole purpose now was to make Zong Zheng Huai’en vanish in the most painful way imaginable—far worse than anything Qi Xiaobin had ever experienced.

Su Yin struggled to contain the beast within, pinching Xiaobao’s face, “Xiaobao, I will make that beast…”

Xiaobao raised a hand, “Stop... we agreed not to mention it... don’t talk about it…” It must not be mentioned, don’t bring it up, pretend you don’t know, I don’t know, let me keep up the pretense, leave me some dignity.

Seeing the pleading look in Xiaobao’s eyes, Su Yin nodded and turned his face away.

Xiaobao sat up, holding the blanket around him, and glanced at the people around him. Suddenly, as if struck by a thought, his expression changed dramatically, “Where is Zhaocai?”

The mood darkened, and Jinbao lowered his head, his shoulders trembling. Hesitating for a moment, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Xiaobao.

On it were Zhao cai's clumsily scrawled words, “Zhao cai will rescue the old master and his wife, avenging the young master.”

Xiaobao’s eyes welled up with tears, and in a fit of anger, he tore the note to shreds, roaring, “Nonsense! Nonsense!” With stiff arms, he threw off the blanket and attempted to get out of bed.

Su Yin held down his legs firmly, “You shouldn't be reckless either. I’ve already found out where he is; we will go there.”

Xiaobao looked up at Su Yin, “I know where they are too; I know where my parents are. I need to save them.”

Su Yin glared at him sternly, “And how will you save them? By blindly jumping into the trap they’ve set?”

Xiaobao pleaded, “He said if I go, he will release my parents. What if he harms them because I didn’t go?”

Su Yin coldly replied, “What good will your going do? You’ll only get in the way.”

“Su Yin!!” Xiaobao’s eyes reddened with frustration, “I...I won’t be in the way. They are my parents, that’s my Zhaocai. Don’t stop me. If anything happens to them, I...I...Su Yin...don’t underestimate me, I won’t be a burden...” By the end of his plea, Xiaobao was visibly ashamed yet resolute.

Su Yin watched him silently for a long while, then sighed, “When will you learn to listen to me? It would save you from so much suffering... Fine... You can come, but you must stay inside the carriage. I won’t allow you to step out, not even a bit, understand?”

Xiaobao nodded, “We should leave now, without delay.”

“It’s still dark. Rest a bit more. I’ll have the servants prepare some warm packs for you to tie around your body. That should keep you from problems.”

The carriage carried them northward out of the city, wheels creaking constantly as they crushed the thick snow beneath, each sound as oppressive as a weight on everyone’s hearts, filling them with unease.

Su Yin rode a tall horse, oblivious to the snow that covered him, calculating the chances of capturing Zong Zheng Huai’en alive today.

Jin bao and Que Siming shared a horse. Too much had happened lately, leaving Xiaobao with no time to attend to Jinbao. The usually forbearing Jinbao was uncomfortable, wriggling under the heavy cloak, trying to move forward without making a sound, his face turning red from holding back tears. Que Siming whispered something impatiently in his ear, and Jinbao stopped moving, seemingly accustomed to being bullied.

This was not his fault; being slow-witted was probably in his nature. Without the young master’s support or Zhao cai to come to his aid, he had no choice but to suffer silently. He couldn’t even manage a coherent objection; by the time he thought of one, the moment had already passed. Often bullied into tears, Jinbao could only hope for the weather to warm, for the young master to recover, and for this torment to end soon, praying fervently for relief.

As Jin bao worried about the young master, Zhao cai, his elders, and his own plight, the Yue Lian Inn neared.

The weather was bleak for traveling, and the inn, located in a secluded area, stood isolated in the snowstorm, blanketed entirely in white. The smooth, pristine snow around the inn indicated that it had been many hours since anyone had entered or left.

Su Yin led the way on horseback, striding to the inn's entrance directly facing the main door. He extended his hands from his fox fur coat and gently clapped them. The crisp sound echoed in the chilly air, and as the echo faded, dozens of figures appeared surrounding the inn.

Su Yin patted his horse's head, and the horse neighed softly, planting its hooves firmly on the ground and standing tall.

Xiao Bao cautiously pulled aside the curtain of the carriage, peering out nervously.

Suddenly, a voice flowed from inside the inn, its beautiful tone colder than ice and snow. Though not loud, it clearly reached everyone's ears, "Xiao Bao, I asked for you to come alone."

Su Yin swiftly drew his sword and held it beside him, his slender fingertips tapping against the cold blade. He stared unmovingly at the main door and calmly said, "Zong Zheng Huai En, come out. The sins you've committed, today you will repay them all."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the roof, and a figure dressed in white soared into the air, landing steadily on the rooftop.

Huai En stood in a thin robe, hands behind his back. His lean body appeared frail against the stark white backdrop. His white garment fluttered in the wind with his black hair, his eyes as cold as stars, his eyebrows like distant mountains, his nose sharp, and his lips red like cherries—an image of devastating beauty, yet now cast in a chilling demeanor that was intimidating.

Su Yin and Huai En faced each other like mortal enemies, their eyes burning with hatred. Though this was only their second encounter, each wished they could tear the other apart.

Su Yin raised his hand, his sword pointing directly at Huai En's forehead, "Release them."

Huai En glanced at him, then slowly turned his head, finally fixing his gaze on the carriage. His expression shifted slightly as he calmly commanded, "Xiao Bao, come out."

"Xiao Bao, don’t!" Su Yin shouted back.

The curtain of the carriage moved slightly but then returned to stillness.

Huai En's look towards Su Yin was filled with irreconcilable hatred. He spoke gravely, "Xiao Bao, come out. Don’t you want to see them?"

Xiao Bao, having no choice but to stop hiding behind the curtain, lifted it to step out but retreated under Su Yin's stern gaze, only poking his head out, "I’m here. Release my father, my mother, and Zhao Cai."

Huai En gave him a look, "Come inside, just you."

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