Chapter 73

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In an environment scarcely touched by cold air, Su Yin's cold poison had somewhat improved. Yet, the sudden flare-ups still took him by surprise. To safeguard himself during these unpredictable episodes, he had moved into Xiao Bao's room.

For over a month, they lived in a state of constant anxiety. The cold poison seemed to have woven itself deeply into Su Yin's existence, moving him from initial terror to a resigned numbness.

Despite this, Su Yin couldn't stay confined at home due to his numerous obligations involving the Prince of Li, the Martial Alliance, and his personal affairs. Practicing his internal energy became a struggle. To aid him, Zhao Cai and Jin Bao would frequently guide his energy through his meridians, enhancing its effectiveness.

One day, Su Yin returned with a large wooden box, roughly the length of an adult's forearm, and eagerly showed it to them. Inside was a massive flower resembling a fiery bloom. Its three palm-sized petals sported light red and yellow hues at the edges, which deepened to an intense red near the center, culminating in a blackish-red at the core.

Que Si Ming raised an eyebrow and commented, "Dali Flame—I've only read about it. I didn't expect it to be this large."

Su Yin replied with a smile, "It's from my grandfather. This flower was picked six or seven years ago and hasn’t decayed at all, truly a rare specimen."

Xiao Bao noticed the dark circles under Su Yin's eyes; he had lost considerable weight in just a month and looked exhausted, yet his expression remained determined and authoritative.

Reflecting on his own role, Xiao Bao felt inadequate. While Su Yin supported the entire household, he could do nothing but seclude himself daily in a stifling room, wrapped in thick blankets, fixated on the stove, watching Zhao Cai and Jin Bao sweat profusely from the heat, yet choosing to stay by his side.

This raised a profound question for Xiao Bao, who once was Young Master Jin: What truly defines a man?

Certainly not someone like himself, who felt useless and overly dependent on others. His presence seemed to burden rather than contribute, taking away from Su Yin's time and focus on more pressing issues. Even Zhao Cai and Jin Bao, with their formidable martial skills, could have made significant marks in the martial world if not for being tethered to him as mere servants, their wages even funded by Su Yin.

From the day he ceased to be Young Master Jin, his self-disgust had been relentless. In his better days, he never considered what he possessed beyond his wealth.

The relentless feelings of defeat and timidity grew wildly in the stagnant room, sapping Xiao Bao of his energy.

He was so consumed by this that he failed to notice how Jin Bao seemed to have lost his soul, walking around with large, dark circles under his eyes. He reacted to Que Siming with the terror of a rabbit in the presence of a wolf, his eyes filling with panic.

Aside from Que Siming, who always seemed at ease and relaxed, the others spoke less and less, until the quiet was disrupted by an unexpected guest.

It was the coldest month, and Dali, being at a high altitude, was particularly chilly. Su Yin was training in the courtyard, clad only in a thin, navy blue martial arts uniform. His demeanor was powerful and noble; his strikingly handsome features stood out even more against the dim weather, his skin appearing exceptionally pale and bright. His lively eyes conveyed a haughty ease that could captivate any woman who saw him.

At that moment, he performed a vigorous boxing routine, the air around him seeming to pulsate with his movements, creating a moment where it felt like the world around him ceased to exist.

Blooming Flowers, Silent SorrowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant