Chapter 36

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Xiaobao was drenched in sweat, appearing as if he had been pulled out of water, sleeping deeply with his eyes closed. Huan en used a damp cloth to gently wipe Xiaobao's body, parting his legs and carefully cleaning the sticky, milky fluid around his groin and inner thighs. Despite the cold touch, Xiaobao did not wake, allowing Huan en to continue with his gentle care.

Huan en watched Xiaobao's face closely, noting the mischief and carelessness that his smile carried when his eyes were open, forming crescents and revealing small, white teeth. But with his eyes closed, there was an innocence to his expression, his cheeks plump and his mouth pursed in an unwitting look of innocence.

Huan en thought to himself how Xiaobao, despite his age, always seemed like a child—innocent, easily deceived, and easily pleased, with every emotion visible on his face, transparent to the world. He carried the flaws of a spoiled child, owning nothing of value, yet living as he pleased, always a burden to others and unable to stand on his own. Huan en could find no redeeming qualities in Xiaobao, which puzzled him as to why he hesitated, for he never hesitated for anyone else.

Huan en saw Xiaobao as someone who could quench the insatiable desire that stirred within him, needing him exclusively, unable to bear the thought of anyone else touching Xiaobao or being touched by him. That was all there was to it, and yet he wondered why he hesitated for Xiaobao.

In Huan en's view, everything had its value. Just as Zuo Ying and You Ying's value lay in their loyalty and service to him, Xiaobao's value was to submit to him, similar to how he viewed the Jin family as nothing more than fattened pigs ready for slaughter, and himself as an unfailing weapon.

In his world, relationships between people were transactional, devoid of concern for the thoughts or feelings of those beneath him. Every action should be purposeful, not hindered by the inconsequential.

Only by adhering to this philosophy could one remain unbeatable.

Huan en's slender fingers gently brushed Xiaobao's hair back from his forehead, gazing quietly at his peaceful sleeping face for a long while.

Zuo Ying and You Ying, even in sleep, maintained a high level of alertness. Sensing the presence in the room, they immediately woke and leapt from their beds, exclaiming, "Who's there?!"

In the moonlight, the figure standing with his back to them was slim and ethereal.

Recognizing the familiar silhouette, they quickly knelt, "Young Master?"

Huan En gazed at the full moon above, speaking slowly, "Two things. You Ying, take the roster via the water route through Ning Sha back to Jin Qi Mountain, and hand it over to my father personally. The item and person must be intact, no mistakes allowed. Zuo Ying, follow me and Xiaobao, as we head towards Yu Xia."

Both shadows looked up, surprised.

"My lord, we don't understand."

Taking the water route from Ning Sha back to the organization would double the journey. And at this time, one should stay at the Jin residence to plan thoroughly. Why then head to Yu Xia?

"Xiaobao is going to Yu Xia to seek medicine from Zhang Zi Qing for his father."

"My lord?!" You Ying was greatly dissatisfied, "My lord, we have little time, how can you delay important matters for the sake of Xiaobao?"

Zuo Ying's expression turned stern, and he gave You Ying a harsh slap, "How have you still not learned, the lord has his own considerations."

Huan En remained unmoved, his voice calm and unwavering, "The sect has been quiet for a long time, surely lying in wait for an opportune moment. The path to the organization can go through Yuxia, he must think I will personally bring the roster back to report, which will be his last chance to act. He will not miss it. Xiaobao and I will take a fake roster to Yuxia, to draw his men away. You Ying, you must set off alone and must not be discovered. Zuo Ying, follow us closely. I will leave secret signs along the way. When the sect moves, come to support us immediately."

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