Chapter 83

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Zong Zheng Lihan's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his expression changed suddenly. The hand holding the reins even burst out with veins.

He turned his head towards the sound, and there stood a man in a thin white robe, floating like an immortal, lightly perched on a thin branch as if on level ground.

Behind him followed thirteen masked men in black, all standing with their hands behind their backs, even their breathing in unison.

Upon seeing the man, Zong Zheng Lihan's face broke into a smile, the tension of a moment ago seemingly non-existent, and his face took on that deliberately debonair appearance again. He laughed heartily, "Second brother, second brother, it really has been a long time, at least... fourteen or fifteen years, right?"

The man in white was indeed Zong Zheng Yuzhan. He nodded lightly, "Yes, back then, you were about the same size as Huai En."

Zong Zheng Lihan pursed his lips in a smile, "Second brother, we all miss you."

Zong Zheng Yuzhan nodded emotionlessly, "Of course, I know. We will have more chances to meet in the future."

Zong Zheng Lihan's expression darkened as he spoke loudly, "Second brother has been laying low in Jin Qi Mountain for more than a decade. Today's descent from the mountain surely isn’t just for reminiscing."

Zong Zheng Yuzhan glanced at the disheveled Huai En, "When someone makes a foolish mistake, someone has to clean up the mess."

Huai En gave him a cold look and pursed his lips, remaining silent.

Zong Zheng Lihan chuckled and said, "Second Brother, you've come at just the right time. I was just planning to teach the youngsters a lesson on your behalf, otherwise they would become utterly lawless, as if they don't know to whom this world belongs."

Zong Zheng Yuzhan remained unmoved and stated, "This world bore the name Zong Zheng 500 years ago and will still bear it 500 years hence. Thus, this world belongs to the Zong Zhengs."

Zong Zheng Lihan snorted coldly, "True, but at the same time, throughout history, there can only be one who commands the world. The youngsters are naive and ignorant, surely you are not so naive, Second Brother?"

A fleeting smile appeared on the somewhat sickly pale face of Zong Zheng Yuzhan as he suddenly changed the subject, "Fourth Brother, when you were little, your Second Brother cared deeply for you. We were close. You know my nature; once I decide on something, there's no turning back."

Zong Zheng Lihan's eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched as if he was about to say something vehement, but he ultimately held back. He sighed and said, "Second Brother, after all these years, I never understood why you were so obstinate. Recently, I've come to understand that aside from this, you have nothing else to live for. Am I wrong?"

Zong Zheng Yuzhan snorted coldly, "Think whatever you like, but you can't stop me. Whatever consequences he must face in the future are the result of his own actions."

"Second Brother! For personal grudges born of emotional entanglements, you are willing to plunge the common people into disaster. With such a temperament, you have no right to be Emperor."

Zong Zheng Yuzhan's expression darkened as he said coldly, "The throne was my mother's wish. I had no interest in the imperial seat myself. If it weren't for his challenge to my grace, there would have been no conflict back then. If he had treated grace well after succeeding, today's situation would not exist!" As he mentioned this, his entire body uncontrollably shook, his anger rising dramatically with his last words.

Zong Zheng Li Han rebuked sharply, "Elder brother also loved her as his life, treated her better than anyone could, yet she was ungrateful and failed to maintain the virtue of a wife, bringing shame to the entire royal family. Have you never thought, if you hadn't engaged in such disgraceful conduct with her, none of this would have happened—"

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