Chapter 113

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Xiao Bao woke up suddenly.

He had just had a nightmare, but upon opening his eyes, he couldn't remember anything, only feeling extremely awful. He was dizzy, nauseous, with a lingering sense of suppressed fear. His heart was pounding wildly, and he couldn't calm down. How could he have such a strange feeling?

Looking out the window, he realized it was already midday. How could he have slept so long?

Xiao Bao got up and drank some water.

Pushing the door open, he found the outside empty.

"Su Yin?"

"Zhao Cai?"

A maidservant walked out from the room, bowing, "Young Master Jin, if you have any instructions, please tell this servant."

"Where is Su Yin? Zhao Cai?"

The maidservant replied, "Our young master took Zhao Cai to pick up Miss Jin."

"What?" Xiao Bao was shocked. Miss Jin? Besides Xiao Yu, he couldn't think of any other Miss Jin. Didn't Su Yin say there was still no news? How could they have gone to pick someone up while he was asleep? "When did they leave, when will they be back? Where did they go?"

"They left in the early morning, and this servant doesn't know when they will return," the maid replied.

Xiao Bao frowned tightly, feeling an inexplicable panic.

Since they went to pick up Xiao Yu, wasn't that the purpose of their trip this time? Then why didn't they take him along?

Jin Bao and Que Siming had just parted ways with them last night, and Zhao Cai went with them. Now, he was surrounded by people from the Su family, and he had no idea what to do.

Should he wait for them to come back here? After all, Su Yin was always reliable in his work. Since they had already gone to pick her up, there shouldn't be any problems, right? Besides, Huai En was also there...

Xiao Bao returned to his room and sat down, feeling restless and uneasy, as if sitting on pins and needles, unable to relax.

Subconsciously, he reached out to touch his chest...

Xiao Bao jumped up from his chair suddenly.


Xiao Bao hurried to the side of the bed, rummaging through the bedding and then crawling on the floor to look under the bed, but there was still nothing.

Xiao Bao was in a panic, searching everywhere in the room like a headless chicken.

How could it be missing?

He had looked at it for a long time while bathing last night and hadn't taken it off. How could it be missing now?

Just as Xiao Bao was sweating profusely with anxiety, a commotion came from downstairs in the inn. It sounded like Su Yin and the others had returned.

Xiao Bao hurried out and as soon as he opened the door, he heard a crisp voice of a little girl, "Big brother!"

His eyes welled up, and he rushed to the stairway to see a little girl in goose-yellow clothes, with delicate and exquisite features, her skin as white and tender as condensed fat, obviously a stunning beauty in the making.

"Big brother!" Xiao Yu's tears streamed down, and she ran up a few steps and jumped into Xiao Bao's arms.

"Xiao Yu... Xiao Yu..." Xiao Bao's eyes brimmed with tears, tightly embracing the little girl in his arms, feeling a myriad of emotions.

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