Chapter 90

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In the absence of Su Yin, nobody could handle Que Siming. Xiao Bao thought to himself how such a clever and smart person like Zhao Cai could be outwitted so easily, unless he was blinded by anger. He rushed over and pulled Zhao Cai back by his sleeve, "What's going on? What's going on??"

Zhao Cai turned around to see his young master, and his fierce expression softened slightly, but he still glared intensely at Que Siming.

Que Siming, as always, disregarded Xiao Bao and pointed at Zhao Cai, shouting, "Hand him over now, or I'll cripple you today!"

"Are your ears just for decoration? I said I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know!!"

"Bullshit! Besides this Jin Xiao Bao, he only listens to you, you must have hidden him, otherwise how could he disappear without a reason!"

"The person disappeared while with you and you're asking me? Who the hell should I ask? You still have the nerve to ask me! Now I ask you! Where is my brother!! What do you say if you lost my brother??"

Underneath his mask, the sharpness in Que Siming's eyes was clearly visible. Xiao Bao had a bad feeling and quickly intervened between the two, "Everyone calm down, calm down, what exactly is going on? Zhao Cai? What's happened, who's missing, is it Jinbao?"

Zhao Cai gave Que Siming a fierce look, turned his head away, and stayed silent.

Xiao Bao was momentarily stunned by Zhao Cai’s uncooperative attitude, then quickly grabbed his ear and turned his face around, "You’re also fired up, having a fit with your young master? Speak, what exactly is going on? What happened to Jinbao?"

With a pained expression, Zhao Cai turned his head back, "Young master, just... don’t worry about this, take care of your health."

"Nonsense!" Xiao Bao shouted angrily, "What do you mean don’t worry about it, if Jinbao really has disappeared, could I just sleep and forget about him? Speak! What exactly is going on!"

Zhao Cai pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xiao Bao was quite surprised. Zhao Cai usually listened to him well, and so did Jinbao, although he often misunderstood things. Zhao Cai, however, did not. Xiao Bao was already getting a bit angry, and under normal circumstances, Zhao Cai would have already spoken up. But now, his evasive demeanor only made Xiao Bao more curious. Que Siming's anxious and pale demeanor was also really odd, a far cry from his usual nonchalant attitude. Although Jinbao might be a bit foolish, his martial arts skills were strong. Even though he had disappeared, Xiao Bao hadn’t yet panicked, so why was Que Siming behaving this way?

Que Siming spoke impatiently, “You two are putting on quite a show, aren’t you? I’m telling you, you must hand over Jinbao today, or I have a hundred ways to make you wish for death!”

Xiao Bao shuddered and instinctively moved closer to Zhao Cai. He absolutely believed Que Siming’s words. Que Siming was an even more untouchable figure than Su Yin; at least Su Yin wouldn’t hurt him, but Que Siming could easily ruin him.

Zhao Cai shielded Xiao Bao behind him and then stiffened his neck, looking as though he was prepared to go all out, “I really don’t know, do whatever you want!”

Que Siming’s jaw tensed visibly, his hand reaching into his robe...

“No, no, no! Let’s talk this out! Divine Doctor Que, just wait, let me talk to him, don’t get worked up!” Xiao Bao quickly pulled Zhao Cai to the side, urgently saying, “Are you out of your mind? Can you even fight him? We don’t know when Su Yin will return. What’s going on with you?!” Zhao Cai was always the most sensible and intelligent, so why was he confronting Que Siming head-on now?

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