Chapter 31

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Xiao Bao was medicated and spent the entire night with a fever, constantly needing his sweat-soaked compresses changed. By the next day, his fever had finally subsided.

In a haze, he remembered that many people had crowded into his room last night, presumably rallying around him the moment they learned of his illness.

Xiao Bao experienced a splitting headache, yet he was lucid.

He was aware last night when the maids were wiping his body down, but given the number of times he'd returned covered in red welts without their notice, it was no surprise they didn't discern anything amiss this time either.

However, the pain and swelling in his posterior were unbearable, making it impossible to find a comfortable position to lie in. Resigned to his discomfort, he awkwardly propped himself up and had the maids bring in some medicine, which he then applied to his lower body with a string of grumbles and curses.

Following this ordeal, Xiao Bao began to seriously reflect on his life.

Throughout his brief existence, he had constantly made mistakes and caused trouble. Yet, no matter the errors or mishaps, he always managed to shake them off with a nonchalant flick of his robe, walking away as someone else took care of the aftermath for him.

Xiao Bao had never encountered someone quite like Huai En before—constantly downtrodden, unable to voice his grievances. Upon seeing Huai En's injuries initially, why did Xiao Bao soften? He should have taken advantage of Huai En's vulnerability before he fully recovered. Yet, Xiao Bao found himself solely focused on comforting him; but did Huai En ever reciprocate that comfort?

As Xiao Bao lay on the bed, spoon-feeding himself the porridge brought by the maid, he concluded that Huai En was a divine challenge sent to test him. He needed to conquer Huai En to find peace.

Furthermore, regardless of Huai En's current feelings, Xiao Bao was convinced there was some underlying interest, just too shy to admit it. This realization filled Xiao Bao with a sense of pride. He hadn't anticipated excelling not only with women but also with men. Huai En's emotional reaction upon seeing his buttocks spoke volumes. It indicated, at the very least, that Huai En admired his buttocks!

Xiao Bao felt as though he had stumbled upon a significant discovery.

His analysis led him to ponder: initially, wasn't it Huai En's face that caught his attention? Even now, Xiao Bao found little else about him particularly appealing. Not exceptionally muscular, not exceedingly charming, and with an inconvenient appendage in the middle. His temperament was foul, his character flawed, and he was shamelessly selfish. His thought processes were also abnormal, not to mention his inclination towards violence. Yet, despite all this, how did Xiao Bao end up liking everything about him? It seemed to be a matter of inertia.

Perhaps, for now, Huai En only admired his buttocks. It was understandable; men tended to fixate on certain physical attributes when attracted. But maybe, as Huai En's feelings deepened, he would come to appreciate all of Xiao Bao.

In the beginning, he harbored affection for Huai En, who didn't return the sentiment, perhaps because Huai En's face was visible while his own behind remained concealed.

As Xiao Bao pondered this, he felt a twinge of excitement. Yet upon further consideration, he realized the potential drawbacks. If he pursued this unconventional path, wouldn't he constantly be compromising himself? Moreover, even if their relationship flourished, he wouldn't have the opportunity to improve his own standing.

Lost in thought, Xiao Bao contemplated deeply.

After some time, he slapped the bed with satisfaction, having conceived a clever plan: to lure by feigning retreat!

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