Chapter 27

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Xiao Bao looked at Huai En's ferocious expression, breaking out in a cold sweat. He couldn't escape or even cry out for help. If he were to meet his end on his own turf, wouldn't that be the ultimate injustice?

Huai En pondered for a long time, unable to decide on the most appropriate way to deal with him. Although he had countless methods of torment at his disposal, none seemed fitting for Jin Xiao Bao, at least not now. Glancing around for something to use, he suddenly sensed movement behind him. Instinctively turning around, he detected a strange scent in the air, faint yet discernible. Realizing too late, he held his breath, but it was already too late. He inhaled a mouthful, felt his limbs weaken, and stumbled backwards to sit on the ground, staring at Xiao Bao in shock and fury.

Xiao Bao leapt up from the ground, triumphant. He quickly freed his own acupressure point, thinking of all the grievances he had endured. He wanted to kick, but looking at Huai En's face, which haunted his dreams, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He wanted to slap him as revenge, a day he had long awaited, yet he couldn't bring himself to strike. Instead, he fiercely rubbed Huai En's face, as if trying to satisfy all his yearnings in one touch, his expression fraught with urgency.

Huai En trembled with rage, unable to speak.

After a moment of indulgence, filling the emptiness within his soul, Xiao Bao looked at him, fear and anxiety starting to seep into his heart.

He truly didn't know how Huai En planned to retaliate. Based on past experiences, it would surely end badly for him. In a moment of desperation, he had released the Mystical Zodiac Paralysis Powder. Huai En never expected Jin Xiao Bao to dare resist, and thus was caught off guard.

He never really intended to do it, nor did he dare; it was just a thought. But when pushed to the edge, he acted... Now, Huai En lay powerless at his feet. Could he actually pick him up, tuck him into bed, close the door behind him, and walk away? Would that still make him a man?

But should he really go through with it? Xiao Bao's heart pounded as his long-suppressed desires screamed to be unleashed. He felt he couldn't overcome this temptation, preferring death over missing this opportunity.

Huai En's gaze could have burned two skulls on Xiao Bao's body right now. He dared not move an inch, focusing on channeling his energy to expel the poison he had ingested as quickly as possible. Then, he swore to himself, he would tear Jin Xiao Bao to shreds, alive!

The two stared at each other in silence for a good while.

Xiao Bao finally made up his mind with a look of sheer determination, as if this was the most tragic moment of his life.

He walked to the door, opened it, and called for Zhao Cai, making it crystal clear to Zhao Cai to guard the courtyard diligently, not allowing anyone near or to enter upon hearing any noise. It was an overcaution, really, as Huai En would never lower himself to seek help from anyone. The idea of being bested by Jin Xiao Bao was more humiliating than death itself. However, when Huai En considered Xiao Bao's intentions behind his actions, he truly hesitated.

Xiao Bao lifted Huai En and placed him on the bed, his eyes burning with a frenzied desire that shocked Huai En, who angrily retorted, "What do you think you're doing? What dare you do??"

"Huai En, I didn't want to do this initially; you forced my hand... I..."

"Presumptuous! You shameless fiend, get out now."

"Huai En, the way you treated me last time, I didn't blame you. But love is between two people; it can't be just one person having all the fun. I've missed you for a long time, you know that. I've always liked you..." As he spoke, his hand began to move, sliding up from the side of the waist.

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