Chapter 43

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"Huai En... seduction... It's blatant, Huai En is seducing him!"

Xiaobao felt the urge to scream, ready to spring at Huai En with lightning speed, but alas, when he mustered the courage to act, Huai En had already swiftly overtaken him.

Xiaobao's spirits immediately sank. Despite his preparation, the sight of Huai En's gleaming eyes triggered a reflexive discomfort in his buttocks.

"Huai En... I'm not quite ready," Xiaobao clung to his clothes, rolling on the ground in defiance.

"But you said you were ready."

"Riding a horse is one thing, but being ridden by you is... different."

Huai En pressed down on Xiaobao's shoulder, immobilizing him, and began to undress him. "You seemed quite content just now."

"Yes, I'm happy to be intimate with you, but can't we try something else? Let's spice things up, Huai En." Like me being in charge, perhaps.

They were like children fighting over candy, hands interlocked, one stubbornly holding onto the clothes while the other pulled desperately.

Huai En grew impatient. "Something else...?" Suddenly, his eyes lit up with an idea. He paused, his breath becoming heavier. "Could you... use your mouth for me?"

Xiao Bao was momentarily stunned, wanting to curse loudly, "Use your mouth? Use your *bleep* mouth!"

Huai En became visibly more excited. "Sure, let's try that. Let's use your mouth as an alternative this time."

Xiao Bao was infuriated by Huai En's apparent lack of understanding but refrained from exploding. He knew well that confronting a man consumed by lust head-on was akin to snatching meat from a tiger's mouth—it invited trouble.

(In the raws Xiao Bao says Huai en is fishless and shrimpless aka lacking understanding so I edited it this way.)

He just wants Huai En to calm down a bit now, not to rush headlong into things. At this rate, he's bound to endure tonight's ordeal of "肉刑" (literally "meat punishment") sooner or later. At least let himself suffer a bit less. "Can't we add a little romance before getting down to business, instead of getting straight to it as soon as we undress?"

Huai En furrowed his brows, saying, "You want me to say those words? I can't."

"You don't have to say them, I'll do the talking. I mean, how about we take a mandarin duck bath together to warm up?" Having shattered Huai En's dream countless times, the dream of frolicking in the water with Huai En was still very feasible.

Huai En smiled slightly, "I was thinking the same thing, so hurry up and take off your clothes." With that said, he grabbed Xiaobao, too lazy to play with him anymore, and effortlessly stripped off his clothes. It seemed like undressing Xiaobao was a piece of cake for him. Despite Xiaobao squirming on the ground, he was quickly stripped naked and then lifted up to be thrown into the hot spring.

Xiaobao, seeing the steaming hot water, screamed in fear, "Wait wait wait wait, is this hot? It's emitting steam, wait let me aaahhhHHHHHHHH!!!"

With a loud splash, a chunk of white flesh was thrown into the spring water.

The temperature of the spring water was slightly high, and Xiaobao felt a bit hot when he first entered, but it was within the range his skin could tolerate, so he quickly adapted. The water was neither too deep nor too shallow. Xiaobao, in a panic, stood up and found that it was just below his chest.

After Xiaobao wiped the water off his face, he saw the image he had fantasized about countless times: Huai En undressing.

This was the first time Xiaobao had a clear and complete view of Huai En's naked body. He took in all the male features in front of him at once, giving him a subtle feeling, as if he had never realized so strongly that the person he liked was also a man.

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