Chapter 61

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Qi Xiaobin examined Xiao Bao meticulously, up and down, while shaking his head and emitting strange laughter. "Young Master Jin, Young Master Jin," he seemed to be speaking to Xiao Bao, yet it appeared more like he was indulging in a monologue, "How long I've waited for this day, day after day, fantasizing that you would ultimately fall into my hands, kneeling at my feet begging for mercy. I have a thousand ways to make you wish for death rather than endure life."

Xiao Bao clenched his lips tightly, instinctively shrinking back, but could only press against the wet, rough wall.

"The day has come quite quickly, quicker than I anticipated, but it's not perfect," Qi Xiaobin feigned regret as he shook his head, "Not quite perfect, you know. You are indeed valuable. The effort my father and I put into spending just two hours with you, just two hours! And yet, we cannot leave any visible marks on you. Tell me, isn't this making things difficult for me? Hehehe."

"I was thinking, in such a short time, how could I make you experience the pain I've endured for four years, not to mention the ongoing suffering. How could I, in just two short hours, leave no visible injuries on you yet make the rest of your life unbearable? Guess what, I actually came up with a way. Aren't you curious? Curious? Hahahaha," Qi Xiaobin laughed loudly and waved his hand behind him, commanding, "Strip him of his clothes."

Immediately, two people rushed forward and swiftly tore off Xiao Bao's clothes, leaving his skin exposed to the cold air, chilling him to the core.

"Tsk tsk, Young Master Jin really has delicate skin. I wonder if you can endure what's coming. I've fantasized countless times about you lying at my feet like a piece of blanched pork. Although this opportunity is not as satisfying as I'd hoped, I'm not that hard to please. The most important thing is that I can make it an unforgettable experience for you."

Now in the autumn, the weather turned cooler. The damp cell, devoid of sunlight, grew even colder. Xiao Bao clenched his fists, desperately trying to curl up, but no matter how embarrassing or fearful the situation, his limbs were firmly secured. He was indeed like a pig on a chopping board, at the mercy of others. He bit his teeth and asked, "What exactly... do you want to do..."

"Hehe, well asked, Young Master Jin. I had wanted you to guess, but unfortunately, we're short on time. Every extra word is a minute less I have with you, a colossal waste. So..." he waved his hand again, "Bring it here."

A skinny old man brought a large box from behind and placed it on the ground, opening it to reveal a velvet-lined brocade box about four inches wide and half a foot long, which he respectfully handed to Qi Xiaobin.

Qi Xiaobin took the brocade box, gently stroked it twice, then turned the opening towards Xiao Bao and slowly opened the box.

Xiao Bao saw a flash of cold silver light inside the box. On closer inspection, he found it was a bundle of densely packed needles, each as long as a forefinger and thinner than an embroidery needle. These needles, unlike silver, did not shine brightly but appeared somewhat dull and grey, making them seem even more sinister and terrifying. Xiao Bao felt a tingling on his scalp and a lump of fear in his throat, ready to erupt at any moment.

"Young Master Jin, you see, just this small box of items, still unfinished, yet priced at ten thousand taels of silver. For you, I bit the bullet and bought it. Not treating you unfairly am I?"

"This little thing is extraordinary. Don't be fooled by its thin appearance; it's incredibly sturdy. Do you know what it's made of? Meteorite iron. The border region offers it as tribute every year, but the total amount is only a few dozen pounds. It's not always available. Crafting a weapon from this meteorite iron costs tens of thousands of gold. This set of needles is called 'Ten Thousand Bone Chill.' Let me explain why it's named that.

To create these needles, they must be forged from meteorite iron. If made from silver or copper, they wouldn't penetrate bone fissures; they'd likely bend before reaching the meridians. Crafting such delicate needles requires significant effort. Once they're forged, they're soaked in a concoction of eighty-one medicinal ingredients, creating a potent cold poison. Then, they're sealed in an icy cold kiln or cellar for at least three years. The longer they're sealed, the stronger the poison becomes. Unfortunately, I needed them urgently, so they've been sealed for less than two years, affecting their efficacy. Still, it'll be enough to make you suffer.

Now, let me explain how to use them. Insert all these needles into various joints throughout your body. The internal cold poison will remain within you. The insertion process will be painful, but it won't be the worst pain. From now on, whenever it's overcast or cold, your joint areas will ache as if a myriad of ants are gnawing at you. The pain will be excruciating, making you wish you could dismantle every part of your body. You'll hate having ever been born. Hahaha! This is the most significant characteristic of the Ten Thousand Bone Chill: it's not lethal. When you pull out the needles, they'll leave tiny, invisible puncture marks on your skin that disappear within a day or two. However, the suffering will last a lifetime. You'll become a cripple, and during rainy days and autumn-winter seasons, the pain will cloud your consciousness. As the cold poison repeatedly corrodes you, you'll gradually become disabled, perhaps even paralyzed. But I doubt you'll survive that long; you'll likely end your own life. Ahahaha!"

Before he could finish, Xiaobao couldn't bear it any longer and screamed, "No! Don't! Ahhh! Qixiaobin! How dare you! No!"

"Hahaha! Are you scared? Of course, you are. The pampered young master of the Jin family has never experienced suffering. Have you ever considered paying the price for your actions? Hahaha! The moment of my revenge has finally arrived! Finally!" Qixiaobin looked maliciously at the struggling, screaming Xiaobao. Then, he glanced back at the old man, conveying a message with his eyes, and handed the box back to him.

The old man took the box, carefully pinching one of the cold needles.

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